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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 20120906Char2.pdf r1 manage 958.8 K 2013-05-23 - 08:43 JoseEnriqueRuiz CharDM v2.0 Draft as for September 06 2012
PDFpdf Anita-InterferometryVO.pdf r1 manage 2123.3 K 2010-05-17 - 04:40 DougTody Anita's paper on radio data and SIAV2
PDFpdf CubeDataInVO.pdf r1 manage 845.4 K 2013-05-08 - 00:44 DougTody Multidimensional (cube) Data in the VO - VAO Whitepaper, May 2013
PDFpdf DAL2_Architecture.pdf r1 manage 89.7 K 2008-10-27 - 17:42 DougTody DAL2 Service Architecture and Standard Profile
PDFpdf MultiDimDataVision2013-01-02.pdf r1 manage 96.9 K 2013-05-07 - 16:15 DougTody SAO Whitepaper on n-Cube Support in the VO (Rots et. al)
PDFpdf Polarization.pdf r1 manage 389.0 K 2009-05-26 - 08:30 DougTody Note on polarization
PDFpdf SIA-V2-Analysis.pdf r2 r1 manage 70.6 K 2008-10-27 - 18:30 DougTody SIAV2 scope and concepts (updated Oct08)
Microsoft Word filedoc WD-SIAP-2.0-20091104.doc r1 manage 392.5 K 2009-11-09 - 15:26 DougTody SIAV2 draft (Nov 7) (source)
PDFpdf WD-SIAP-2.0-20091104.pdf r1 manage 1129.8 K 2009-11-09 - 15:24 DougTody WD-SIAP-2.0-20091104.pdf
PDFpdf WD-SIAP-2.0-20130812.pdf r1 manage 657.6 K 2013-08-16 - 20:02 DougTody SIAV2 draft as of 12Aug2013
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Topic revision: r26 - 2015-11-30 - JamesDempsey
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