TWiki> IVOA Web>SsaInterface>SsaResourceSchema (revision 4)EditAttach

Describing SSA services as a VO resource

Part of the standardization of a protocol is defining an XML schema for describing an instance of the service, primarily in a VO registry. This is done by creating an extension of the VOResource schema.

Working Draft Schemas

Two working draft versions are currently available.

SSA-wd.xsd: This is the version for Working Group discussion.
an example Note
this version is under final internal review; barring further comments, it will be released as an external working draft schema.

This is a working draft version for current use in the Registry.
an example

Barring any further comments, the top schema will become SSA-v0.2.xsd and supercede the top one.

Representing v1.0 and pre-1.0 implementations

One important issue we need to address is how to support the earliest SSA implementations. These were built well before v1.0 of the SSA spec was completed; thus, it is unlikely that they would be compliant at this time. Still, several do exist, and it would be good to recognize these as serving spectra.

The subsection below gives a proposal for representing the pre-v1.0 services with a special version value on the interface. However, the editor of the SSA spec voiced a preference for labelling pre-v1.0 implementations using a different capability xsi:type, and there were no dissents. Thus, in the new schema above, there is a second capability type (defined identically to the first one) called "ProtoSpectralAccess" (as oppsed to "SimpleSpectralAccess").

Previous version proposal

VOResource v1.0 allows one to list in one resource description support for different versions of a protocol. For SSA, this means that within the "SimpleSpectralAccess" capability element, multiple interface elements may be listed, each with a different value for its version attribute. (If version is not provided, "1.0" is to be assumed.)

I recommend that we encourage the registration of the early SSA services using the "SimpleSpectralAccess" capability but to set the value of the interface element to "proto". That is,

   <ri:Resource ...>
      <capability xsi:type="ssa:SimpleSpectralAccess">
         <interface xsi:type="vs:ParamHTTP" version="proto">
            <accessURL> ... </accessURL>

(If you don't "proto" as a version string, please suggest an alternative, e.g "0.5".)

-- RayPlante - 24 Sep 2007

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatxsd SSA-v0.1.xsd r1 manage 20.3 K 2007-09-24 - 15:05 RayPlante  
Unknown file formatxsd SSA-wd.xsd r2 r1 manage 27.5 K 2008-01-30 - 10:28 RayPlante  
XMLxml ssa.xml r2 r1 manage 8.7 K 2008-01-30 - 10:37 RayPlante  
XMLxml ssavor.xml r1 manage 7.4 K 2007-09-27 - 09:40 RayPlante  
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Topic revision: r4 - 2008-01-30 - RayPlante
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