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UTYPES definitio"> Process for the UTYPES definition

Every year the discussion about UTYPES/UFI comes up in various Interop sessions, so I would propose to formalize a process to make sure we arrive to an IVOA conclusion about this.

I would propose to

  • as a starting point, take the note from Jonathan sent in September 2007 (
  • within the TCG, we should define the list of editor and authors for this document. There should be some people from the WG/IG involved in the usage of UTYPES/UFI
  • the editor/authors should then take into account all the comments that were sent to the list following Jonathan issuing the document and the discussions that took place afterwards in various Interop dedicated sessions
  • the TCG to decide with the IVOA standard and process committee if this document should be an IVOA note endorsed by the TCG or a formal IVOA standard
  • the editor/authors to define a roadmap for issuing the document
  • the TCG to make sure that the relevant future IVOA standards making use of UTYPES make proper reference to the that document

  • Mireille.Louys June 11 /2008
There is a page under the Data Model root page where I posted some existing material on Utypes. See

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Topic revision: r3 - 2008-06-11 - MireilleLouys
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