Upload your data to test for new UCDs

Use this page to upload test data. These files will be used by CDS to check and validate their UCD tools.

Acceptable file formats are VOTable, FITS and CDF.

-- BaptisteCecconi - 2015-03-25

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
XMLxml 2007001.skr-v3.xml r1 manage 1012.1 K 2015-03-25 - 11:44 BaptisteCecconi VOTable containing Cassini/RPWS/HFR SKR-cleaned spectrograms
Texttxt SDO-AIA_Lev1_171A_2011-01-01T00_00_12-34Z_FITS.txt r1 manage 0.3 K 2015-03-25 - 15:36 XavierBonnin Text file containing links to a SDO/AIA/Lev1/171A image FITS file and the corresponding documentation
Compressed Zip archivezip SKR_phase_dataset_2010.xml.zip r1 manage 1050.9 K 2015-03-25 - 11:44 BaptisteCecconi VOTable containing Cassini/RPWS/HFR SKR-phase system
Unknown file formatcdf co_rpws_hfr_qtn_200406301642_200407010951_v10.cdf r1 manage 244.6 K 2015-03-25 - 11:39 BaptisteCecconi CDF file with Cassini/RPWS/HFR-QTN data
Unknown file formatcdf co_rpws_hfr_snd_l3_200405141808_200405142358_v01.cdf r1 manage 44.1 K 2015-03-25 - 11:40 BaptisteCecconi CDF file with Cassini/RPWS/Sounder data
XMLxml job_1649_new_13.xml r1 manage 10.5 K 2015-03-25 - 11:48 BaptisteCecconi VOTable containing electron and ion spectra at Galileo S/C with ephemeris (IMPEx webservice output)
Compressed Zip archivezip loc_3A_SPV_2008268_18.xml.zip r1 manage 1802.1 K 2015-03-25 - 11:42 BaptisteCecconi VOTable containing Cassini/RPWS/HFR level 3 radio source location
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Topic revision: r3 - 2015-03-25 - XavierBonnin
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