Training Materials and Presentations

This Twiki page is available for people to upload training and presentation materials of all kinds related to the VO, or to provide links to such materials that reside on project web sites or other on-line publications.

Project Materials

Project Description Link
EuroVO Selected presentations of general interest and for laymen Link

Event Materials

Date Event Author Description Link
2009 September VO Day at Bordeaux Astrophysics Laboratory (Journée OV au LAB), Bordeaux, France French VO/CDS The VO Day is aimed at local scientists, with a short presentation of the VO and of some VO tools, and tutorials aimed at local scientific topics, including several "hands-on" topics mostly adapted from the Euro-VO ones (programme, presentations and tutorials in French). Link
2008 June How to publish data in the VO, ESO, Garching, Germany Euro-VO Data Centre Alliance and Facility Centre The workshop is particularly targetted at participants from astronomical data centres and larger projects in order to provide the knowledge and experience to enable them to publish a range of datasets to the Virtual Observatory. Link for presentations. Link
2008 January EuroVO-DCA Info Workshop. Sofia (Bulgaria) The EURO-VO Data Centre Alliance project in collaboration with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences The workshop was aimed at providing support to Data Centers from countries not participating in the EuroVO-DCA project to acquire the knowledge and experience necessary to allow them to become "publishers" in the VO. Data Centre representatives from Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia and Romania attended the meeting. Link
2007 October Astronomy With Virtual Observatories (IUCAA, Pune, India) VO India, with many presenters from IVOA member projects The workshop provided an overview of important technical aspects of the Virtual Observatory, various tools and services developed in the VO framework, large data archives, and specific case studies that highlight the use of VO resources and tools to obtain new scientific results. Link For Presentations Link
2007 September e-Science 101, Caltech George Djorgovski, Roy Williams, Matthew Graham, et al. The goal of this class is to introduce students to a number of increasingly important tools and concepts in computationally enabled/intensive science and engineering. This includes subjects such as: databases, data mining, advanced visualization, web services, XML and other useful languages, computational semantics, design and implementation of advanced scientific software systems, grid computing, numerical and math libraries, advanced networking, principles and practice of massively parallel computing, etc. Link
2007 July BRAVO Workshop, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil George Djorgovski, Roy Williams Virtual Observatory Astronomy with Large and Complex Data Sets and Trends in e-Science Link
2007 June How to Publish Data in the VO EuroVO (ESAC, Madrid) The workshop is geared towards data centres and large projects to acquire the knowledge and experience necessary to allow them to become "publishers" in the VO. Link
2006 September NVO Summer School (Aspen, Colorado) NVO In this week-long, hands-on summer school, astronomers and software developers work with experienced NVO users and software specialists to become familiar with the data discovery, data access, and high performance computing capabilities of the Virtual Observatory. Link
2006 February BRAVO Workshop, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil BobHanisch VO science overview presented at BRAVO Workshop Link
2006 December AstroGrid/RadioNet meeting, Oxford MarkTaylor Introduction to VOTables - has an admitted STIL/STILTS/TOPCAT bias Link

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PowerPointppt BrazilVOScience.ppt r1 manage 10229.5 K 2007-12-18 - 22:09 BobHanisch VO science overview presented at BRAVO Workshop
PDFpdf votox.pdf r1 manage 815.8 K 2008-01-21 - 10:13 MarkTaylor VOTable intro talk, Mark Taylor/AstroGrid
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Topic revision: r13 - 2010-02-03 - FrancoiseGenova
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