Enhancement Requests to UWS 1.0

This page is intended to summarize various suggestions that are made to enhance UWS to determine if they should be included in the next major version of the UWS standard. The discussion of individual topics will take place primarily on the grid wg mailing list.

Alternative bindings to REST

SOAP Binding

A SOAP binding was removed from the original draft of the version 1.0 standard - This could be reintroduced for the next version - A possible WSDL file for this binding is contained within the volute googlecode project

Other binding

There have been requests for other bindings that include the operations on the UWS objects directly as part of the XML message.

Registering UWS implementations

"Pure" UWS implementations - i.e. a UWS that is not part of another IVOA standard - have been created, and people would like to register these directly - This needs a specific VOResource extension. A start to this is being made with UWSRegExt

More Job Controls

  • Quotas - on storage and CPU + ability to query remaining Quota
  • Priorities - allow jobs to have settable priorities
  • Authorization and Authentication issues...


  • Progress attribute for a Job - have option estimate of percentage completion for a job
  • RunID returned in the JobList
  • Filtering of the JobList based on STATUS

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Topic revision: r2 - 2011-05-09 - PaulHarrison
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