TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaTCG>UploadMatch (revision 2)EditAttach

How will the Upload-Match pattern be handled in VOSpace/TAP/VOQL?

A principle justification of the VO itself is to encourage statistical studies of populations of astronomical objects, as well as the more traditional single object study. One very important usage pattern is the matching of archival catalogs with a "personal catalog" supplied by the user, that may have 10, 1000, or more sources. It should be easy for a user to do this, without the need for jumping through hoops of authentication, persistent storage, asynchrony or ADQL. These latter are necesary evils for very large numbers of sources, but should not be necessary for smaller, simpler types of matching.

It seems to me (FrancoisOchsenbein) that this achievement should not be that difficult -- would VOSpace be required as the standard way, or just custom http uploading (POST or PUT) ? The cross-matching operation is a topic for which no agreement could be reached in the past; but if this operation is restricted to a multi-cone-search, i.e. append to each user's row the sources found within a user-specified small circle, I imagine it would be used a lot ! More sophisticated cross-matching could well be applied on these first results by user-controlled procedures.

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Topic revision: r2 - 2008-05-17 - FrancoisOchsenbein
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