Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
XMLxml ObsTAPQueryExample.xml r1 manage 18.6 K 2012-05-23 - 13:52 MireilleLouys example of Query response from ObsTAP
XMLxml PhotDMRegistryRecord.xml r2 r1 manage 2.5 K 2012-05-23 - 15:28 MireilleLouys Example of IVOA DM registration record
Compressed Zip archivezip r2 r1 manage 885.5 K 2012-05-23 - 15:36 MireilleLouys tex and images for Utype draft
PDFpdf WD-Utypes-0.3-20090522.pdf r1 manage 547.0 K 2009-05-25 - 20:31 MireilleLouys Utype preliminary WD
PDFpdf WD-Utypes-0.4-20091107.pdf r1 manage 580.4 K 2009-11-09 - 09:04 MireilleLouys  
Unknown file formattex WD-Utypes-0.4-20091107.tex r1 manage 34.8 K 2011-10-20 - 09:53 MireilleLouys tex version
PDFpdf WD-Utypes-0.7-20120521.pdf r1 manage 647.3 K 2012-05-23 - 14:22 MireilleLouys Utype draft Mai 2012
PDFpdf WD-Utypes-0.7-20120523.pdf r1 manage 647.3 K 2012-05-23 - 15:38 MireilleLouys Utype draft Mai 2012
HTMLhtml note-utype-draft1.5.html r1 manage 34.1 K 2007-01-28 - 13:51 NormanGray Draft Note on UTypes
PDFpdf utype-extra-meeting.pdf r1 manage 273.7 K 2011-11-15 - 19:05 OmarLaurino  
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Topic revision: r17 - 2012-10-23 - MarkusDemleitner
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