TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaDataModel>Utypes (revision 3)EditAttach

DM work package : Utypes definition and syntax

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*This topic is under the Data model pages but also addressed in the TCG Topic page :

What are Utypes for

Utypes are strings that we define in the VO to be able to represent and identify which role plays a specific piece of metadata
Ex: astrometry statistical error = 0.02 arcsec can be represented in the VO by : char:Spatial.Accuracy.StatError.Refval
and verified by the XML schema derived from the Characterisation Data Model .

How can I find which Utype is relevant for my data collection

  1. Select an IVOA data model to which you want to be compliant . Ex : Characterisation Data Model
  2. Browse the Utype list and its documentation to select the appropriate Utype for your metadata description _Ex : for a Fits image : FITS keyword RESOL to map RefVal Characterisation Data Model _ for a Fits simple spectrum : FITS keyword SPECRES to map RefVal
  3. Check wether all mandatory Utypes are filled in .

If you publish your data with Characterisation , you can use the CAMEA VO Tool ( to check the Utype assignation, and see how much your description is Characterisation DM compliant.

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
HTMLhtml note-utype-draft1.5.html r1 manage 34.1 K 2007-01-28 - 13:51 NormanGray Draft Note on UTypes
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Topic revision: r3 - 2008-06-11 - MireilleLouys
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