This document will act as RFC center for the VOEvent V2.0 Proposed Recommendation:
Skyalert and Dakota are active projects that read and write VOEvents and have transitioned (or ready to transition) from VOEvent 1.1 to 2.0. A VOEvent2 library in Python is available at VOEventLib, and another in dotNet called Dakota. Many projects produce VOEvent: IAU CBAT, NASA GCN, AAVSO. It is expected that Astronomers Telegram will make the transition, also the gravitational wave alert system LVAlert will move to VOEvent once it is REC.
apart from the spelling error for Gaia of course this may not make sense. Hence also 3.2.1. This would more likely be a helpdesk or some such for Gaia not an individual.
2. in 3.4.2 Observatory_Location You should consider adding "L2 = within 150000 KM of Earth Sun Lagrange Point 2" or something. There are enough missions going out there even if you suggest space missions can construct their own complex location later.
-- WilliamOMullane - 2011-04-08
2) There has been some discussion of this point on the VOEvent WG mailing list. Not obvious if any change is required to the v2.0 PR as long as the schema supports this feature.
-- RobSeaman - 2011-04-24
. I can see the change to requiring @meaning to be a full URI, but the new text might still be a little thin on detail, which could easily lead to variant implementations
In particular:
3.9.2 meaning — The nature of the document referenced (anyURI). This attribute is optional.
I'd have hoped to see a little more of an explanation of what this URI should be, beyond "It is anticipated that a Note will be written" about them.
3.9.3 mimetype — An optional MIME type [36] for the referenced document.
Similarly, this MIME type could be a variety of things, and since the MIME type given here could potentially differ from the MIME type of the document received, it'd be good to note which has priority (the MIME type declared by the document beinr received). It'd also be good to note what this is for, naly a hit rather than something you'd necessarily expect to work with.
I included some text for this section in my message of 2011 March 24 00:37:03 GMT. That may have been too prolix (and I admit a tendency to run to the formal in these contexts), but I thought a fair proportion of that text was at least useful.
We wouldn't want the VOEvent document to be full of legalese, but if it's too vague and suggestive, people will implement things based on what they guess the meaning to be, which could cause problems later.
(I originally posted this as a VOEvent list message, but it was more appropriate as an RFC comment, since it concentrates on language rather than technical content)
-- NormanGray -- 2011-05-04
Expanded description in section 3.9.
-- RobSeaman - 2011-05-09
This document looks mostly good to me (Mark), but there are some issues I'd like the authors to address.
Two major points:
Some more minor items:
<Concept vocabulary="ucd1+">process.variation.burst;em.opt</Concept>
-- MarkTaylor - 28 Apr 2011
1. Examples of Independent Implementations:see new content at the top of the this page.
2. The schema can go in the appendix if the TCG requires it.
1. Text changed to indicate zero occurences of any of these are allowed. However the meaning of such minimalist VOEvents is not defined.
2. Document no longer talks of clicking.
4. Fixed
5. This element is intended for a short and simple table, and re-uses the ideas and syntax of the IVOA VOTable, but simplified and streamlined: this is appropriate because complex tables can be written as full VOTable and linked from the VOEvent. Specifically, these simplifications are: no support for hierarchy of tables (RESOURCE); no internal references (FieldRef and ParamRef); no provision for binary data, only XML; table cells can only be string, float, or int, in place of the arrays of 12 possible types and extensions; no formatting information contained in the Table, nor domain of the data (VALUES); no referencing between cells; there is no INFO element.
6. and 7. VOEvent supports IEEE 754-2008 floats, including signed zero, signed zeros, infinities, and special "not a number" values (NaNs). That standard also covers integers. Note that a null string cannot be converted to a float or int and will raise an error.
8. Corrected these references
9. Fixed
10. Following the Reference element on this, the content of the examples showing the Concept element has been changed to a URI syntax. Thus, stars.supernova.Ia becomes
11. and 12. Corrected spelling
-- RoyWilliams - 09 May 2011
3. In agreement with the recommendation for the VOEventStreamRegExt and VOEventServerRegExt registry extension specification naming convention - would like to see this specification effort included in the TCG roadmap
-- GretchenGreene - 10 May 2011
We think VOEvent v2.0 is ready for prime time. In the absence of substantive disagreement with this assertion, the PR will move to TCG review on 6 May 2011. -- RobSeaman - 2011-04-24
TCG members should add any comments under their name.
We approve this doc. -- RobSeaman - 2011-05-10
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