IVOA Grid & Web Services: Support interfaces



It is proposed that all web services in the VO should have some element of commonality in the form of a core set of functions that they all provide. Such an approach would support management activities within the VO. In addition, there are certain management activities such as log harvesting that, while not associated with every VO service, are still common enough that a general interface can be specified for them.

VO Support Interface (VOSI)

VOSI proposes that all services must return their service metadata and whether the service is operable and the reliability of the service for extended and scheduled requests.


The latest version of the VOSI specification is 1.01 (this will evolve to become VOSI-1.00 underIVOA's new naming scheme). The most recent version of the log harvesting interface is specified in VOSI v0.24.



These are older versions of the VOSI specification:

Topic attachments
I AttachmentSorted ascending History Action Size Date Who Comment
Microsoft Word filedoc VOSI-1.00-20090825.doc r1 manage 78.5 K 2009-08-25 - 10:33 GuyRixon  
PDFpdf VOSI-1.00-20090825.pdf r1 manage 186.6 K 2009-08-25 - 10:34 GuyRixon  
PDFpdf VOSI-1.01.pdf r1 manage 284.1 K 2009-05-28 - 08:21 GuyRixon  
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Topic revision: r4 - 2009-08-25 - GuyRixon
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