Comments and suggestions on the VOSpace-2.1 working draft.

From the mailing list announcement :

HTML anchors

The HTML anchors use name rather than id, is this intentional ?
    <a name="0.1_sec1">1. Introduction</a>
rather than
    <a id="0.1_sec1">1. Introduction</a>

Create node path

In the create node operation described in section 1.1, the path in the node XML


does not match the path encoded in the target URL of the HTTP PUT request given in the text.

Create endpoint URL/URI

If the service endpoint for the example VOSpace service is

then the target URL for the HTTP PUT request should be

and the uri in the node XML should either be blank, or it should match the path in the HTTP PUT target URL


Create node clarification

There are a number of places where the description of how the create node operation works could be clarified.

  • The current specification does not state clearly how the intended node path is encoded in the target URL of the HTTP PUT request.
  • The current specification does not state clearly whether or not the node URI should be included in the create node message.
  • The current specification does not state clearly whether the service should issue an error if the path in the node URI does not match the path encoded in the target URL of the HTTP PUT request

Transfer endpoint URL

In the example transfer described in section 1.1, the target URL of the HTTP POST operation given in the text points to a location within the tree of nodes below the target node.

In VOSpace-2.1 transfer operations should be initiated by a HTTP POST request to the {service}/transfers endpoint, outside the {service}/nodes tree.

If the service endpoint for the example VOSpace service is

then the target URL for HTTP POST request should be

Transfer target URI

The path of the target in the body of the HTTP POST request should match the path of the node created in the first step of the example.


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Topic revision: r2 - 2014-09-19 - DaveMorris
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