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<H1>VOSpace Brainstorm Meeting</H1> %TOC% --- This is a set of notes made during a meeting to brainstorm ideas on VOSpace. Those present in the meeting were: * WilliamOMullane, GuyRixon, KeithNoddle, Dave Morris, NoelWinstanley, TonyLinde and on the following telecon: * RoyWilliams, JohnGood, MatthewGraham See also: * ---++ Presentations We pretty much made up the agenda as we went along but included a couple of MySpace presentations from AstroGrid people: * MySpace structure & scenarios (Dave Morris): [[%ATTACHURL%/FileStore.html][FileStore.html]], [[%ATTACHURL%/FileManager.html][FileManager.html]] * Security aspects (GuyRixon): [[%ATTACHURL%/vospace-security.ppt][ppt]], [[%ATTACHURL%/vospace-security.pdf][pdf]] ---++ Meeting Notes ---+++ Dave's <nop>FileStore presn * in Export: MIME type allowed for data conversion (eg FITS to jpeg) * as yet no negotiation * question of about how dumb is the VOStore * contains metadata per item but does not interpret them * but must do so to implement security * <nop>MyDB vs MySpace: * MySpace returns exact file put in * <nop>MyDB will translate into database and back again * so need to include flag that says 'store exactly' * VOSpace vs VOStore * Wil: implement only VOStore first * AG: <nop>FileStore is dumb and <nop>FileManager has all intelligence (incl who owns items) * coffee discussion * need layer above <nop>FileStore to implement security * VOBroker * but AG could just plug this into its <nop>FileStore --> VOStore ---+++ Dave's <nop>FileManager presn * do we want to introduce replica management into the spec at this stage * for now, AG only implements http protocol for filestore * but could implement other protocols * need to define minimum set of protocols * if http, need to ensure security * need protocol negotiation * minimum: * SOAP with DIME attachment, * HTTP * needs to allow security * VOSpace will support N protocols * will address many underlying filestores * client agent can state which protocol it wants to use * VOSpace will only pass back stores which support that protocol ---+++ Guy's Security presn * Wil: users don't care about how security is implemented * Guy: implementers of VOStores will * SAML as language for tickets? * yes, but not only option * issue of which tickets are needed for an activity * requires policy store/check * look at Shibboleth / PERMIS ---+++ Later discussion * decided we do not need to standardise on VOSpace for now, just VOStore (see Agreements below) ---++ Roy's Use Cases 1 *Collaborative shared space* <br> A geographically-separated group is working on image-cleaning algorithms. Each member of the group can see the results from others and uploads the images they have built. <br>The group can (if they wish) allow only group members to see the images. 1 *Distributed file system* <br> A group can share data objects with each person using the client they prefer. Some like Linux, some Mac, some Microsoft. They can mount a filesystem, they can use a web browser, they can use scripted command line. 1 *Object Listing* <br> To see a listing of all the data objects that are in the VOSpace owned by a given user or group, together with metadata such as size, mime-type, date, permissions, etc. 1 *Asynchronous services* <br> A scientist uses NVO services asynchonously, so that results do not come back to the client as a service response packet, but rather they are put into VOStore. The results can be picked up later through a variety of client tools. 1 *Workflow* <br> A user wishes to connect NVO services in a sequence, so that the output of one is the input for another. This can be implemented if one service writes a data object into VOStore, passes a VOStore reference to the other, who can then read and use the data object. 1 *Distributed <nop>CasJobs* <br> <nop>CasJobs ( is a browser-based environment for processing database tables. Users get an account, and results can be persisted in the "home space" that comes with the account. We would like to have geographically-distributed servers, so that a user sees the same home space whichever server is being used. 1 *Widening the permission* <br> A user has created a private data object in a VOStore, and wishes to make it available to a wider audience by changing the permissions. 1 *International* <br> A scientist has created a data table on the Astrogrid "MySpace" system, and would like to crossmatch it with another table that is in the NVO VOStore system. ---++ Telecon ---+++ Agenda 1 run through discussions and agreements of meeting 1 use cases 1 VOStore specifics for: 1 <nop>WebDAV 1 SRB ---+++ Notes: * re VOStore data return format * ?whether need this in the capability definition * three layers: VOStore, VOSpace, physical * will only standardise on VO levels * subset or views of data * cannot include parameters in name of item * could do this by defining view name as item and change the view in the underlying database by another means * naming * will use ivo://<i>vostore_registry_id</i><b>#</b><i>vostore_identifier</i> * Alternative: use endpoint of VOStore service instead of IVOID above. This would be problematic if using http as endpoint as cannot then discern web service from http; not recommended. * resolve AG ivorn * look up bit before # in registry and find service * send service bit after the # * creating data item * do we allow space reservation * transport protocol * must support http put/get * security, identification, authentication * identity of person * can use ivoa identifier for community and look up user with id after # * can use certificates to sign into portal but back end authentication using tickets * tickets are signed SAML assertions * like proxy certificates ---++ Meeting Agreements <b> <i>these are subject to agreement with NVO team</i> </b> * still only need VOSpace and VOStore layers * VOStore is higher level than AG <nop>FileStore * do *not need VOSpace* protocol at this point * just need common definition of VOStore * includes list method * includes callback api (to know when asynch action finished) * projects implement own VOSpace * will look to standardise afterwards * VOStore will advertise its capabilities (metadata in registry) * eg ability to return data in given format * AG filestore (currently) will only return in format uploaded * AG will extend filestore to support VOStore * <nop>MyDB will allow return in VOTable, CSV, FITS * ticket-based security looks like way to go * subject to trial (see below) ---++ Telecon agreements * will not include ability to reserve space in VOStore * can be added to V2 later if necessary * all VOStores must support http put/get as a minimum transport protocol * will only work at data object level (not lower than that) ---++ Action list * Wil: send Dave latest version of VOStore: *end of this week* * Dave: update VOStore doc with new methods: *before May Interop* * synch/asynch * init & data * get & put * Guy/Wil: get prototype security mechanism working: *before May Interop* * Dave/Wil: add Roy's use cases to VOStore document: *before May Interop* * expand one or two to expose how VOStore will work ---++ Issues * *Group* permissions: not addressed now * perhaps need to implement this in VOSpace <br><br><br> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
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