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VOSpace service specification: Request for Comments

This document will act as RFC centre for the VOSpace service specification Proposed Recommendation V1.01. There is also an accompanying WSDL and schema.

Review period: 23 July 2007 - 20 August 2007

In order to add a comment to the document, please edit this page and add your comment to the list below in the format used for the example (include your WikiName so authors can contact you for further information). When the author(s) of the document have considered the comment, they will provide a response after the comment.

Discussions about any of the comments or responses should be conducted on the VOSpace mailing list,

Implementation details

Three implementations of VOSpace 1.0 have been produced:

  • Astrogrid
    • Endpoint:
    • VOSpace apache:
    • Secure:

Although not fully documented, the Caltech VOSpace implements all features of the VOSpace 1.0 specification including StructuredDataNodes and the ability to request different views.

Two VOSpace clients have also been produced at Caltech - one to talk to secure VOSpace services using digital signatures (WS-Security) and one to talk to unsecure services. These clients utilize a different underlying web service infrastructure to the one that the Caltech VOSpace implementation is based on (Apache Axis 1.2.1 Final vs. XFire 1.2.2).

The secure client has successfully negotiated data storage at the ESO VOSpace, including a third party data transfer into the VOSpace from a cone search service. This demonstrates sufficient interoperability of the implementations.

Comments from the Community

  • First sample comment (by MarSierra): ...
    • Response (by authorname): ...

Comments from MarkTaylor

  • Description members:
    • The Description members of various items are characterised "A text block describing ...". For implementors and users of this standard it would be helpful if a bit more detail about the intended format of this text block could be supplied, for instance should it be a short summary or a detailed description and should newlines and spaces in it be honoured or are multiple whitespaces insignificant. A mismatch in interpretation of this sort of thing between metadata supplier and data consumer can lead to ugly/unreadable presentation of such items to the user. I understand that the details of how various descriptions are to be written is somewhat dependent on schemas external to this document yet to be written, so possibly this can't be clarified at this stage.
      • One would hope that common sense prevails and that the length of the Description is sufficient to provide a concise overview and any specific usage details where necessary. As to formatting details, I agree that some sort of convention would be nice but we do not specify such constraints with other descriptive text elsewhere in the VO (c.f. the element in VOResource) so maybe this is a wider issue that needs to be addressed. (MatthewGraham)

  • getProperties operation
    • accepts return value is described as "A list of identifiers that the service accepts and understands". What does "understands" mean here?
      • The intent here is that there might be metadata (properties) that is implementation dependent but can be used by the user to control operational aspects and this is what "understands" refers to. An example is access control: a VOSpace implementation might allow individual users to control the permissions on data objects via a property called something like "permissions". If the VOSpace receives a data object with this property then it understands what this property refers to and can deal with it accordingly. I agree that clarification is required in the spec and we will address this in the next revision. (MatthewGraham)
    • contains return value: Is it wise to require this as a return? If the VOSpace service is implemented in such a way that it can accept arbitrary properties to be associated with each node, then I'd have thought this could be rather a large list and expensive to determine.
      • Firstly, any VOSpace can accept arbitrary properties - this is not implementation dependent. Some properties might be implementation controls which is what accepts returns (see comment above on this). Now it need not necessarily be expensive to determine contains but this is an implementation detail. Given that arbitrary properties can be used, there should be an operation that returns a list of which properties are being used in a particular space - this will aid with queries across federated VOSpaces, e.g. I want to find all data objects with this property. It is inefficient to do a full listing of each space when one can first of all just get a list of all the properties used within that space and determine whether it should be used further or can be passed over. (MatthewGraham)

  • listNodes operation
    • Either I've misunderstood how the wildcarding works or the list of matched examples is wrong. To me it looks like *.txt ought to match .txt and frog.txt but not .txtinfo or frog.txtinfo.
    • I agree that *.txt should only return .txt and frog.txt and will remedy this in the next revision of the document. (MatthewGraham)

  • Data model UML diagram:
    • s/propetty/property in Node box

  • setNode operation, Faults section:
    • "if the requests attempts" -> "if the request attempts"

  • pullDataFromVoSpace operation, Notes section:
    • "The any endpoint URLs..." rephrase.

  • pushDataFromVoSpace operation, Faults section:
    • Delete Bullet item 7 (partial repetition of bullet item 8)

-- MarkTaylor - 01 Aug 2007

From RayPlante - 20 Aug 2007

Nice job on this document; it has the proper level of specificity for a service specfication.

  • I think we need to treat these specifications like any other peer-review publication; thus, it is appropriate to include acknowledgements to our funders. For contributions by Matthew, I suggest the boiler-plate that I provided in my SSO comments.

  • There's an additional bit of boiler plate that I like to see in these documents that define abbreviations that we insiders are familiar with. Again, you can consider my suggested text for a preface setion called "Definitions".

  • I would strongly encourage numbering the sections of the document in the style "1.4.2". This allows one to refer to a specific defintition or requirement with a little more specificity (e.g. "This service not compliant because it does not ... as required by the the VOSpace specification, section 2.3.1").

  • Introduction: This document would greatly benefit from a subsection in the introduction (e.g. "Typical Use of a VOSpace Service") that steps us through an example of putting and retrieve data to/from a VOSpace, showing sample SOAP messages. This should introduce the major concepts, mapping them to concepts we understand (e.g. Node represents a file) without necessarily defining them generally. As it is now, it provides a bottom up description of the service--which is what you want in a spec; however, the reader doesn't discover how it all fits together until the end. (I felt like I was reading mystery novel, flipping the pages back to see how I was supposed to understand the clues revealed earlier. wink )

  • Introduction: Along the same theme, it would also be good to end the introduction with another subsection (e.g. "Document Roadmap") that describes how the rest of the document is laid out. With this road map in mind, the reader will understand how the parts will be fitting together as he/she is reading them.

  • Nodes and node types: please repeat the definition of VOSpace here. (It's given in the Abstract; however, an abstract is usually a summary of the contents of the document.) Then think carefully about how the term is being used in the section and make sure you are being consistant. I suspect that some clarification of the definition will be needed, but I'm not sure.

  • Nodes and node types: please provide a clearer semantic definition of node before launching into a definition of the types of nodes. It should be clear (perhaps with additional explanation) before talking about the types that a data file (something we all understand) is represented as a node.

  • Nodes and node types: paragraph after first bulleted list of types needs to end in a period.

  • Property identifiers: I strongly recommend that when IVOA identifiers are used to identify properties (as well as views and protocols) that they use the form, ivo://auth/blah#property-name. As the authors know, every IVOA Identifier must resolve to a separate resource description. By using the pound delimiter, all of the method names can be defined within a single resource description. The latest internal WD version of VOStandard (v0.2) supports this type of definition. We can push this to a released WD to help support VOSpace.

  • Views: In keeping with the above recommendation, I suggest that standard views be defined with one of the following forms:
    • ivo://, to include the definition in the standard that describes the VOSpace standard as a whole, or
    • ivo://, to have a resource specifically for the definition of views.
    I prefer the first alternative, because it consolidates all the VOSpace information in one resource document, which will make maintanence simpler and make the registry seem less cluttered.

  • View descriptions, last sentence: The Registry WG can provide the clarity needed to replace this sentence with a more definitive statement on the timescale of the approval process for this document. In particular, the RWG should:
    • add support for DisplayName in the VOStandard schema (if desired)
    • release updated schema to WD status

  • Protocol identifiers: change form of IVO-ids to form using pound (#).

  • Local NFS transfers: change form of IVO-ids to form using pound (#).

  • Web service operations: it would be helpful to be a bit more explicit that when you say "description of the Node " that you mean a structured in terms of the model specified on p. 9. This can either be done by saying something like "(type: Node )" or with an explicit page or section reference to where Node is defined.

  • pushToVoSpace, Returns: it would be helpful to state here that the endpoint refers to the destination URL (yes?)

  • pullToVoSpace, Parameters: it would be helpful to state here that the endpoint refers to the source URL (yes?). (And so on with other operations.)

  • Can we include/reference the official standard WSDL?

  • Can we define the Registry VOResource extension for registering VOSpaces? Is this coming?

-- RayPlante - 20 Aug 2007

From DougTody - 20 Aug 2007

It is good to see progress on VOSpace, as we badly need this to add flexible data management capabilities to our services, and provide for more than just basic client-server data access. My comments are mostly fairly basic. I won't try to comment upon whether these should be addressed in this version or the next one. My apologies if I misunderstand aspects of the specification.

General comments:

  • It is not enough for Grid technology like VOSpace to be demonstrated in code written by the design team; we need to verify that it is useful in actual real world applications, written by others. While it is useful to have a specification for trials, I am not sure we should accept this as a proven standard until this has been demonstrated in real applications.

  • The basic concept and approach appears sound. That is, address a single service first, ignoring links between multiple VOSpaces. Separate interface from the underlying implementation. Demonstrate that basic data storage and transport can be achieved.

  • As it stands though I am not sure I can understand all the details required to use this for basic data storage and transport. The key issue is that details essential for basic data manipulation, such as data format, basic file attributes, and transport protocol (HTTP etc.), are not addressed directly in the specification. This appears to be left to the service implementor, or to the client trying to upload data, to describe indirectly in registry records (View, Protocol, Transfer, etc.) independent of the actual VOStore specification. While the flexibilty to describe arbitrary data formats and transport protocols is nice, this approach appears overly general, with the result that the basic VOSpace specification will be hard and ambiguous to use and does not adequately address basic data management using common formats and protocols.

  • In my view, a basic architectural principle for services is that it should be possible to understand and use any service stand-alone, independent of other software such as the registry (although the registry might be used for related higher level functions such as discovery). This does not appear to be the case here, as fundamental information about transport details and data formats or attributes are only available via indirect URIs which are intended to be registry resolvable (there are some weasle words about nonresolvable URNs, but clearly this is discouraged and registry integration is the intention).

  • Basic things such as a data format ("view") or available transfer protocol (e.g., HTTP) are described indirectly in descriptors which are stored in a registry and referenced by URI (so far as I can tell). Although it does not explicitly say, I suspect we might be able to use string equality on such a URI to test for these things (as one would test a MIME type for example), but in principle we would need to look the URI up in the registry, and parse the XML data structure which comes back, before we can determine basic information about what a service can do. The actual spec repeatedly says things like "at the time of this writing, the schema for registering in the IVO registry has not been finalized". Even ignoring the undesirable registry interaction, which should not be required to directly use a service, it does not appear that such details are sufficiently specified at this point.

  • The interface defines adhoc SOAP methods which can query the service capabilities; these (appear to) return obscure, indirect URIs which contain further information on service capabilities such as what transport protocols the service supports. Whatever happened to the proposed getCapabilities operation, which is supposed to describe the capabilities of a service instance? This would seem to be the obvious way to describe things such as what formats (views), or transport protocols a given service instance supports.

More detailed comments (these are representative, I am not attempting to be uniform and complete at this point):

  • Although the spec says it does not attempt to address hierarchy, the restriction to "no slashes" in a URI path appears arbitrary. The internal logical structure implied by a pathname should be transparent to something like VOSpace, for which this is merely a component of a string identifying the file within a VOSpace. This might change if the VOSpace supports "directory"-level operations, but this could be added without affecting file pathnames within a VOSpace. Otherwise, to flatten a directory hierarchy, it will be necessary for a VOSpace to invent arbitrary filenames, unique within a VOSpace, to substitute for pathnames containing a slash.

  • I am not convinced of the need for "structured" nodes at this early stage, or for a VOSpace to perform arbitrary file format or data model-based conversions. This might be useful to allow a VOSpace to be used to access tables stored natively in a RDBMS, but at present this is not sufficiently well defined, at least not in the written specification. It is not clear whether a VOSpace should natively provide such a capability when this will already be provided by the more object-oriented DAL interfaces such as TAP, SIA, etc. It might be best to first provide a solid VOSpace interface for basic "file" (simple byte stream) access before addressing object-oriented access.

  • It seems overly complex to describe each node property as an independently resolvable URI. The obvious solution is more along the lines of a simple "name=value". Yes, names could fail to be globally unique, but this is possibly less of a problem than adoption of an overly-complex and under-specified approach (so far as I can tell, no standard properties, even for basic file attributes such as size, modify date, etc., have yet been defined). An alternative way to address the problem of uniqueness might be to use property names such as "type:name" where "type" defines a property namespace, e.g., "file". Then we could have one property instance (possibly optional) of something like "file:schema", the value of which would be a single URI pointing to something which defines all the defined names for that namespace. (This is similar to what we do for UTYPE namespaces already for example). While this could be extensible, the most common cases could be defined directly in the core standard, without any need to inspect the registry or any such outside service.

  • In "Views" it would be better to separate concerns such as the content type of a file (FITS, VOTable, etc.), from unrelated matters such as GZIP compression (ZIP is different yet since it is a multi-file container). Otherwise it is much harder for a client to sort out what a "View" offers; it would have to parse a View descriptor, understand all the options, see what is offered in this particular view and how that compares to what the client wants, and so on.

  • For "unstructured" data nodes it should be possible to record primary data attributes such as the MIME type of the "file" (data node) directly, without having to deal with some indirect registry entry for a "View". The obvious thing would be a property such as file:MIMEType. If we really need object metadata at the level of VOStore, this could be a separate property namespace such as "table:NRecords".

  • What does moveNode do, really? Is this a rename, as in Unix?

  • Does pushToVOSpace deal with a single data node? It says it returns a list of URLs, but there is only a single destination node, so I would guess that the URLs refer to alternative transport protocols. How does the client decide which to use -does it have to parse each URL to determine the protocol? (Possibly this is addressed in the WSDL, but semantic details like this should be addressed in the written specification as well).

  • One of the things I was looking for was whether a URL could be obtained to directly GET or PUT a file, and this does appear to be the case (e.g, pullFromVOSpace). This would allow us, for example, to have a data service deliver a message to a client giving the access reference URL for a data object, once it has been generated by an asynchronous service. This might allow the VOSpace machinery to be hidden from a simple client, for example when functionality such as VOSpace and UWS are used within a TAP or SIA data service.

-- DougTody - 20 Aug 2007

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Topic revision: r7 - 2007-08-21 - DougTody
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