Jumps: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: VOResource :: VODataService :: RegDMStandards
Meetings: InterOpNov2009Reg :: InterOpMay2009ResReg :: InterOpMay2008ResReg :: InterOpSep2007ResReg :: InterOpMay2007ResReg


This standard has a new name: StandardsRegExt and, thus, a new page for capturing discussion. Consequently, this page is now deprecated.

The version 1.0 registry data model uses Resource Identifiers in several places to identify which standard a particular resource follows (e.g. the capability element's standardID attribute). The Identifiers spec requires that any IVOA ID must have an entry in an IVOA registry; this implies that the standard itself is registered. Furthermore, there is an increasing interest to use IVOA identifiers to identify concepts and properties (e.g. VOSpace); the underlying identifier thus must be registered as well. The VOStandard data model and schema provides a framework in which IVOA standards can be described in the registry.

The goals of this extension are:

  • allow support for an IVOA standard be recognized via an IVOA identifier (e.g. as in standardID)
  • allow users to discover documentat about a standard protocol via the registry (in particular, via records of instances of the standard).
  • allow one to define and use IVOA identifiers to identify a concept or property.

Latest materials

Summary of Changes

since v0.3

  • The spec document text was completed
  • Added deprecated attribute to endorsedVersion element
  • Added deprecated element


Historical materials

This work used to be tracked via the RegDMStandards page. That page is now deprecated. (RayPlante - 10 Nov 2009)

The previous version of the schema was distributed as part of the RegUpgradeToV10 page

-- PaulHarrison - 25 Apr 2007

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted ascending Comment
HTMLhtml VOStandard-v0.3wd.html r1 manage 42.3 K 2009-11-10 - 05:07 RayPlante  
HTMLhtml VOStandard-v0.4wd.html r1 manage 60.8 K 2009-11-10 - 05:31 RayPlante  
Unknown file formatxsd VOStandard-v0.4wd.xsd r1 manage 12.8 K 2009-11-10 - 05:31 RayPlante  
HTMLhtml WD-VOStandard-1.0-20100514.html r1 manage 74.1 K 2010-05-14 - 14:59 RayPlante First public WD release
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Topic revision: r7 - 2010-05-19 - RayPlante
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