Volute transfer

Options for transferring Volute from GoogleCode to GitHub.

Headline figures, based on disc usage

volute-complete - 825M

Svn checkout of everything in the repository.

    svn checkout https://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ volute-complete
    du -h volute-complete > complete-original.txt

volute-noextern - 764M

Svn checkout, without resolving the extern references.

    svn checkout --ignore-externals https://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ volute-noextern
    du -h volute-noextern > noextern-original.txt

volute-export - 391M

Svn export, snapshot of now with no history.

    svn export --ignore-externals https://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ volute-export
    du -h volute-export > export-original.txt

Of the 391M in the exported snapshot, the top 8 projects are :

  • theory 220M
  • dm 126M
  • registry 26M
  • grid 6M
  • vocabularies 3M
  • samp 3M
  • votable 2M
  • ivoapub 2M

Maximal transfer

If we just press the 'export to GitHub' button, then everything will get transferred, including the commit history.

I have seen this work on a small project, and everything just worked. On a large project like ours the process will probably take a while.

With a total size of 825M we are close to the GitHub 1Gbyte per repository limit, which may cause problems later on.

The only unusual thing to watch for is that the email telling you the process has completed will be sent to the email address linked to your GitHub account, not to your Google account.

Snapshot transfer

If we skip the svn history and just take a snapshot of where we are now, then we have less than 400M to transfer.

We would have to do the transfer manually, exporting a local copy from svn, and then importing it into a new GitHub repository.

    git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-REPOSITORY local-repo
    svn export --ignore-externals https://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ local-repo
    pushd local-repo
        git add .
        git commit -m 'Initial import from svn'
        git push

Link to IVOA organization

If you want the GitHub repository to be owned by the IVOA organization in GitHub, do the transfer to your private account, and then transfer the repository afterwards.



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Topic revision: r1 - 2015-07-30 - DaveMorris
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