Backlinks to ObsDMCoreComponents in IVOA Web (Search all webs)

Results from IVOA web retrieved at 21:28 (GMT)

Access Format 1.Semantics should probably define those. How is the timescale for a good enough list of values? 1.Call to the community for contribution...
Data Product Type 1. Should we specify all possible values ? There is the suggestion in the current document to allow the value `other` when no available...
Utype syntax and character set 1. Data base manager may prefer utypes in lower case when stored in a database. 1. How is it compatible with application using...
Free Format data model fields and extensibility mechanism When a data provider cannot use the proposed value fields (for instance in data product type), how can he...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM35) Tues Mar 2 2010 @ 16.00 GMT Contents Logistics Telecon: Agenda 1. Roll Call and Agenda (MA) 2. of FM34 Suppl.,...
Proposed recommendation Obscore 1.1 (May August 2016) Please check the RFC (Request For Comments page) at
Observation Data model Core Components and ObsTAP implementation: Request for Comments This wiki page document will act as RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation...
Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model Proposed Recommendation ( May 3rd)
OBSTap Discussion Post Interop Meeting: Friday, Nov 13, 9:00 ESO building room 231/ Proposed agenda for the discussion 1) Content Types 2) Implementation...
Various uses and possibilities for obs publisher did 1. How the user will be able to make use of it. This is not a ObsTAP issue, it is a more generic question...
Back to: DAL Jumps: ObsDMCoreComponents :: VOResource :: VODataService Meetings: InterOpMay2010 TAP VOResource Extension Schema Contents 2011 11...
Statistics for IVOA Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads...
XML Serialisation for the ObsCore Model The ObsCore Model may also be implemented using XML serialisation. Here are some preliminary examples of XML documents and...
Number of topics: 13

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