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Results from IVOA web retrieved at 17:01 (GMT)

Registry Interface Working Draft Discussion Topic Should we formally break away from the ADQL standard to define a Registry Query Language (RQL) based on ADQL? Content...
Group Membership Service: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA GMS 1.0 Proposed Recommendation. The original PR for the GMS Specification can be...
Work Package 4 (Rwp04): Registry Replication Interfaces Contents Introduction The remit of Work Package 4 is to design a mechanism whereby registry information...
(back to main) The SimDB Registry Connection Here we discuss the relations between SimDB and the Registry. Questions to consider How should a SimDB be registered...
InterOpMay2004 Registry Preliminary Reading Papers or wiki pages that people ought to read before the sessions above: Metadata Specification v1.01...
Minutes of IVOA Plenary Session, Oct. 17, 2003, 8:30 16:00 Chair: Robert Hanisch RH Minutes: Markus Dolensky MD Content: 1. Intro, RH (8.30) General...
IVOA Resource Registry Working Group Home Contents Current Activity TAP Service Operators: Please take up Discovering Data Collections so your tables can...
Query Schema These schema are not intended to be definitive but to provide a basis for discussion... Registry Query RegistryQuery...
Registering Documents To make educational material (tutorials, notebooks, use cases, etc) more visible and discoverable, you can put them into the VO Registry. This...
Discussion of the Internal Registry Interface Working Draft Open Discussion Topics Below is a list of topics that we would like some feedback on. Follow the link...
Out of date. See IvoaResReg for current information. (created by TonyLinde ) Similar to IvoaVOTable, this is a data exchange document, in this case returning...
These use cases will define the scope of operation of a Registry within the IVOA. RegUCGetXRayDatasets A user initiated query, in RegistryQuery format, will...
Number of topics: 12

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