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Results from IVOA web retrieved at 15:36 (GMT)

Theory IG Meeting, 27 28 February 2006, IoA, University of Cambridge Background Over the past year, signigicant progress have been made by the International Virtual...
Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting (back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program) Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule Speaker...
List of Attendees to the Inter Op Meeting, IoA, Cambridge, UK, May 12 16 2003. As of the list stands at 69 folk: name institute arrival date departure...
Links: IvoaResReg :: mail archive InterOpMay2003 Registry Participants ( AA ) Allan Alasdair ( MH ) Martin Hill ( RP ) Ray Plante ( MA ) Mark Allen...
InterOpMay2004 Grid and Web Services Participants IVOA.DickShaw IVOA.PaulHarrison IVOA.ChristopheArviset IVOA.WilliamOMullane IVOA.TamasBudavari IVOA...
InterOpMay2005 Astro RG (IVOA/GGF interface) Participants NicholasWalton, GuyRixon, ReaganMoore, FrancoiseGenova, PeterQuinn, Pepi Fabbiano, RayPlante, RiccardoSmareglia...
Applications Session at the May 2010 Interop Meeting (back to main program page InterOpMay2010#Program) Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule Speaker...
Applications Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting (back to main program page) Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule Speaker Title Materials...
Grid and Web Services Session at the Oct 2012 Interop Meeting (Sao Paulo) Remarks : We have just one session, if some presentations need a debate it should be...
Implementation Feedback Session at the Oct 2012 Interop Meeting (Sao Paulo) Tuesday 23 October, 9h30 10h30 Time Speaker Title Materials...
List of TWiki users Please take the time and add yourself to the list. To do that fill out the form in .TWikiRegistration . This will create an account for you which...
Number of topics: 11

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