Backlinks to SemanticsCalls in all Webs (Search IVOA Web only)

Results from IVOA web retrieved at 13:28 (GMT)

IVOA Northern Fall Interop Nov 17 19 UTC The meeting organization will be similar to the May Virtual Interop meeting. We will use Zoom as our shared remote service...
IVOA Semantics Working Group The Semantics Working Group ( Charter) superseded the UCD Working Group in 2006 as it was realised semantic resources beyond UCDs...
The first edition of the SemanticsCalls format has taken place on Sept 1st, 2020, at 16:00 UTC Minutes Review of the last VEPs MD feels the VEPs for datalink/core...
The second edition of the SemanticsCalls took place on Wed, 2020 12 09 at 15:00 UTC. Agenda Review of the last minutes Remaining stumbling blocks for Vocabularies...
The third edition of the SemanticsCalls series of telecons took place Wed, 2021 03 10 at 16:00 UTC . Agenda Steps towards a vocabulary of object types...
Semantics Calls 4 The fourth edition of the Semantics Calls telecon has taken place on Wednesday, Sept 15, 13:00 UTC. Minutes Current VEPs VEP 006: The main...
Semantics Calls 5 The fifth edition of our telecon series will took place on Monday, January 17, 2022, at 16:00 UTC. Here`s the mintues: Introductions Markus (U Heidelberg...
Semantics Calls 6 The sixth edition of our telecon series took place on Monday, 2022 03 14, at 16:00 UTC. Here are the minutes: Current VEPs (standing item)...
Semantics Calls 7 The seventh edition of our telecon series will took place 2022 09 26 at 15:00 UTC. Minutes are below. (1) Current VEPs (standing item) VEP 009:...
Semantics Calls 8 The eighth edition of our telecon series will take place TBD at 15:00 UTC. We will meet on the mumble server telco.g (see
Number of topics: 10

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