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Results from IVOA web retrieved at 09:00 (GMT)

Virtual Progress Meetings Objectives of Meeting : Inform people on the ongoing work Answer questions Gather remarks and suggestions September 10 14hUTC...
Model Annotation in VOTables (MIVOT) MIVOT at a Glance Model Instances in VOTables (MIVOT) defines a syntax to map VOTable data to any model serizalized in VODML...
Data Modeling Meeting ESO, Garching, Jan. 23/24, 2003 Initials Participant Affiliation PB Pascal Ballester ESO FB Fran ois Bonnarel CDS PD Pierre...
During Fall 2020 Interop we had a session, requested by Markus Demleitner, that aimed at opening a wide discussion on both Measure and Coordinate models and possibly...
DM `DRAFT` sessions schedule IVOA May 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting This is the schedule setup for DM related sessions at the Virtual IVOA Meeting (May...
IVOA Interoperability Meeting 6 7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain Data Model Session Thursday 6, 10:00 13:30 Room B3 B4 Speaker Subject...
IVOA Data Model Working Group Introduction The role of the Data Modeling group is to provide a framework for the description of metadata attached to observed or...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM17) Joint with TCC Weds Oct 5 2005 @ 19.00 21.30 Local Time (El Escorial) Contents Logistics The Exec meeting will...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM40) Sunday May 15 @ 17.00 19:00 CET Supplementary: Wednesday May 18 @ 13:00 14.30 Contents Logistics Sunday meeting at...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM92) when: June 23, 2020 Time: 11am (Eastern), 3pm (UTC) Logistic IVOA exec TM92 Hosted by CXC Data Systems Tuesday, Jun...
Number of topics: 10

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