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Name: aaron price Email: aaronp #64; Company Name: AAVSO Company URL: Telephone: 617 354 0484 Fax: Country...
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Name: AjitKembhavi Email: akk #64; Company Name: IUCAA Company URL: Telephone: 91 20 25604101 Fax...
Name: Alain SARKISSIAN Email: alain.sarkissian #64; Company Name: Service d`Aeronomie Company URL: Telephone: 33 1 64 47 43...
Name: Alasdair Gray Email: agray #64; Company Name: University of Glasgow, Computing Science Company URL:
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Name: Alessandro Costa Email: acosta #64; Company Name: INAF OACT Company URL: Telephone: 39 095...
Name: Alex Szalay Email: szalay #64; Company Name: Johns Hopkins Company URL: Telephone: 1 410 516 7217 Fax...
Name: Alexandre Richard Email: richard #64;astro.u Company Name: INAF Roma / CDS Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country:...
Name: Alice Sossi Email: sossi #64; Company Name: INAF O.A.Trieste Company URL: Telephone: 39 040 3199181...
Name: Alvaro Tejero Email: atejero at Company Name: ESO Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: Germany...
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Name: Andras Holl Email: holl #64; Company Name: Konkoly Observatory Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country...
Name: Andrea Preite Martinez Email: andrea.preitemartinez #64;iasf Company Name: INAF/IASF Rome Company URL: http://www.iasf roma.inaf...
Name: andrew cooke Email: acooke #64; Company Name: noao/aura/ctio Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country...
Name: Andrew Ptak Email: ptak #64; Company Name: Johns Hopkins University/Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Company URL: http://www.pha.jhu...
Name: andy adamson Email: adamson #64; Company Name: joint astronomy centre: UKIRT Company URL:
Name: Ani Thakar Email: thakar #64; Company Name: JHU Company URL: Telephone: 410 516 4850 Fax:...
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Name: Anthony Rogers Email: rogers #64; Company Name: Space Telescope Science Institute Company URL: Telephone:...
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Name: Areg Mickaelian Email: aregmick #64; Company Name: Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory Company URL: Telephone:...
Name: Areg M. Mickaelian Email: aregmcik #64; Company Name: Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory Company URL: Telephone...
Name: asankha perera Email: asankha.jokes #64; Company Name: Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: Sri Lanka Comment...
Name: Ashish Mahabal Email: aam #64; Company Name: Caltech Astronomy Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: USA...
Name: August Muench Email: august.muench #64; Company Name: American Astronomical Society Company URL: Telephone...
Name: Avalon Johnson Email: avalon #64; Company Name: Center For Advanced Computing Research, Caltech Company URL: http://www.cacr.caltech...
Name: Axel Schwope Email: aschwope #64; Company Name: AIP Company URL: Telephone: 493317499232 Fax:...
Name: Baptiste Cecconi Email: baptiste.cecconi #64; Company Name: LESIA, Observatoire de Paris Company URL:
Name: Benjamin Ooghe Email: ooghe #64; Company Name: LERMA ENS Company URL: Telephone: 0144323352 Fax:...
Name: Bernard Debray Email: bernard.debray #64;obs Company Name: Observatoire de Besan...
Name: Bernhard Bauer Email: bauerb #64; Company Name: Technische Universit...
Name: Bjorn Dorr Jensen Email: b.d.jensen #64; Company Name: Company URL: Telephone: 004520734396 Fax:...
Name: Robert B. Denny Email: rdenny #64; Company Name: DC 3 Dreams, SP Company URL: Telephone: 1 480 396 9700 Fax...
Name: Robert Rutledge Email: rutledge #64; Company Name: McGill University, Department of Physics Company URL: http://www.physics.mcgill...
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Name: Brad Cavanagh Email: b.cavanagh #64; Company Name: Joint Astronomy Centre Company URL: Telephone...
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Name: Brian Walshe Email: bcw #64; Company Name: Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh Company URL: Telephone...
Name: Brice Gassmann Email: gassmann #64;cluster.u Company Name: CDS Strasbourg Company URL: http://cdsweb.u Telephone:...
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Name: Candy Carter Email: candycarter #64; Company Name: IT Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: USA Comment: My...
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Name: carlos martinez Email: CARLOS #64;INTERQUANTA.COM Company Name: interquanta Company URL: Telephone: 34656536882...
Name: Carlos Rodrigo Email: crb #64;cab.inta Company Name: LAEX, CAB, INTA CSIC Company URL: Telephone: 34 918131260 Fax: Country...
Name: Carlos Rodrigo Blanco Email: crb #64;cab.inta Company Name: CAB/SVO Company URL: http://cab.inta Telephone: 34...
Name: Carol Christian Email: carolc #64; Company Name: STScI Company URL: Telephone: 410 338 4764 Fax:...
Name: Chao Liu Email: chaoliu #64; Company Name: NAOC Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: China...
Name: Charles Rite Email: crite #64; Company Name: ESO Company URL: Telephone: 498932006710 Fax: Country: Germany...
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Name: Christopher Miller Email: cmiller #64; Company Name: Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country:...
Name: Christian Surace Email: christian.surace #64; Company Name: LAM / DIS Company URL: Telephone: Fax:...
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Name: Christophe ARVISET Email: Christophe.Arviset #64; Company Name: ESA ESAC Company URL: Telephone:...
Name: Claudio Gheller Email: c.gheller #64; Company Name: CINECA Company URL: Telephone: 39 051 6171560 Fax...
Name: Claudio Vuerli Email: vuerli #64; Company Name: INAF OA Trieste Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: Italy...
Name: Colin Aspin Email: caa #64; Company Name: Gemini Observatory Company URL: Telephone: 1 808 974 2580...
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Name: Cyril Pestel Email: pestel #64;cluster.u Company Name: CNRS / CDS from Observatory of Strasbourg Company URL: http://cds.u strasbg...
Name: Daniel Tapiador Email: Daniel.Tapiador #64; Company Name: Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: Spain Comment...
Name: Danielle Frenette Email: Danielle.Frenette #64; Company Name: CADC, NRC Company URL: Telephone:...
First Name: Darwin Last Name: Jakayla Email: wiki #64; Organisation Name: Organisation URL: Country: USA Comment: My Links...
Name: Dave De Young Email: deyoung #64; Company Name: US NOAO Company URL: Telephone: 520 318 8324 Fax: 520...
Name: Dave De Young Email: deyoung #64; Company Name: Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: USA Comment: My Links...
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Name: David De Young Email: deyoung #64; Company Name: Company URL: Telephone: 520 318 8324 Fax: Country: USA Comment...
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Name: David Schade Email: David.Schade #64; Company Name: Canadian Astronomy Data Centre/CVO Company URL: Telephone...
Name: Dean Hinshaw Email: Dean.Hinshaw #64; Company Name: GSFC, HEASARC Company URL: Telephone...
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Name: Dennis Crabtree Email: Dennis.Crabtree #64;nrc Company Name: NRC HIA Company URL: Telephone: 25 363...
Name: Dennis Crabtree Email: Dennis.Crabtree #64; Company Name: NRC HIA Company URL: Telephone: 25 363 0025 Fax...
Name: Deoyani Nandrekar Email: deoyani #64; Company Name: IUCAA Company URL: Telephone: 91 20 2560...
Name: Derian Jesus Dorado Daza Email: derianjesus #64; Company Name: Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: Colombia...
Name: Dick Shaw Email: shaw #64; Company Name: NOAO Company URL: Telephone: 1.520.318.8398 Fax: Country...
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Name: Diego Sforna Email: dsforna #64; Company Name: ESA/ST ECF Company URL: Telephone: 49 (0) 89 3200 6417 Fax: Country...
Name: Dimitri Pourbaix Email: pourbaix #64; Company Name: Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, ULB, Belgium Company URL: http://www...
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Name: Doug Mink Email: dmink #64; Company Name: Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Company URL: http://tdc Telephone...
Name: Eduardo Gonzalez Email: eglez #64; Company Name: Institute of Astronomy Company URL: Telephone: Fax...
Name: Eduardo Gonzalez Solares Email: eglez #64; Company Name: Institute of Astronomy Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country...
Name: Edward Sabol Company Name: HEASARC/GSFC/NASA Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: USA Comment:...
Name: Elizabeth Griffin Email: elizabeth.griffin #64; Company Name: Herzberg Institute for Astrophysics Company URL: Telephone: 1...
Name: Emil Lenc Email: elenc #64; Company Name: Swinburne University of Technology Company URL:
Name: Emilio Garcia Email: garcia #64; Company Name: Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia IAA CSIC Company URL:
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Name: Encarni Romero Colmenero Email: erc #64; Company Name: SAAO Company URL: Telephone: 27 (0)21 447 0025...
Name: Enrique Solano Email: esm #64;cab.inta Company Name: Centro de Astrobiolog...
Name: Ethem Derman Email: ethem.derman #64; Company Name: Astronomy and Space Science Company URL:
Name: Evelyne Roueff Email: evelyne.roueff #64; Company Name: Observatoire de Paris, LUTh Company URL: Telephone...
Name: Fabien Chereau Email: fchereau #64; Company Name: ESO Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: Germany...
Name: Fabio Pasian Email: pasian #64; Company Name: INAF O.A.Trieste Company URL: Telephone: 39 040 3199180...
Name: Fabrice Roy Email: fabrice.roy #64; Company Name: Observatoire de Paris Meudon Company URL: Telephone: 33...
Name: F. Stoehr Email: felix . stoehr at gmx . net Company Name: ST ECF, ESO Company URL: Telephone: Fax:...
Name: Fernando Comeron Email: fcomeron #64; Company Name: ESO Company URL: Telephone: 00 49 89 3200 5631 Fax:...
Name: Florian Rothmaier Email: frothmai #64;ari.uni Company Name: University of Heidelberg, ARI Company URL: Telephone: 49...
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Name: Francesco Pierfederici Email: fpierfed #64; Company Name: ESO/VOT Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country...
Name: Franck Le Petit Email: LePetit #64; Company Name: Observatoire de Paris / LUTH Company URL: Telephone: (33)...
Name: Francois Viallefond Email: fviallef #64; Company Name: Observatoire de Paris, LERMA Company URL: Telephone...
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Name: Gabriel Sz...
Name: Gary Fuller Email: G.Fuller #64; Company Name: Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, Univ. of Manchester Company URL: http://www...
Name: Gilles Duvert Email: Gilles.Duvert #64;obs.ujf Company Name: JMMC/LAOG Company URL: http://mariotti.ujf Telephone...
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Name: Giuseppe Longo Email: longo #64; Company Name: University Federico II in Napoli Company URL: Telephone:...
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About Me I am currently the LSST Science Platform Scientist, responsible for the overall scientific design and requirements management of the user interface to be...
Name: Email: Company Name: Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: Comment: My Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki...
Name: Hans Martin Adorf Email: adorf #64; Company Name: MPE/GAVO Company URL: http://www g Telephone: 49 89 300003352 Fax...
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Name: Helene Dickel Email: h dickel #64; Company Name: U. New Mexico Physics/Astronomy Company URL: Telephone: 505 277 0433...
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Name: henry breton Email: locorosa #64; Company Name: Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: Other Country Comment...
Name: Herve Wozniak Email: herve.wozniak #64; Company Name: University of Montpellier / LUPM Company URL: http://www.lupm.univ montp...
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Name: Hugo Capelato Email: hcapelato #64; Company Name: INPE/ Divisao de Astrofisica Company URL: Telephone:...
Name: Igor Chilingarian Email: chil #64; Company Name: Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Company URL:
Name: Inaki Ortiz Email: Inaki.Ortiz #64; Company Name: European Space Agency Company URL: Telephone:...
Name: Inaki Ortiz de Landaluze Email: Inaki.Ortiz #64; Company Name: ESAC, ESA Company URL: Telephone: 34918131367 Fax:...
Name: Isa Barbarisi Email: Isa.Barbarisi #64; Company Name: ESA Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country...
Name: Istvan Csabai Email: csabai #64; Company Name: Eotvos University Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: Hungary...
Name: Ivan Zolotukhin Email: iz #64; Company Name: Institute de Recherche en Astrophysique et Plan...
Name: Jaiwon Kim Email: jkim #64; Company Name: Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: Germany Comment: My Links...
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Name: Jayant Gupchup Email: gupchup #64; Company Name: IUCAA, Pune Company URL: Telephone: (020)...
First Name: Jazmyn Last Name: Jaquan Email: wiki #64; Organisation Name: Organisation URL: Country: USA Comment: My Links...
Name: Jean Christophe Malapert Email: jmalaper #64; Company Name: ESO Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: Germany Comment...
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Name: Jerome Berthier Email: jerome.berthier #64; Company Name: Institut de mecanique celeste Company URL: Telephone...
Name: Jesus Salgado Email: Jesus.Salgado #64; Company Name: SKAO Company URL: Telephone: 34 655 19 26 02 Fax...
Name: Jian Sang Email: sang #64; Company Name: Company URL: Telephone: 82 42 8652029 Fax: Country: Korea Comment:...
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Name: Joe Chavez Email: jchavez #64; Company Name: California Institute of Technology/Spitzer Science Center Company URL: http://www...
Name: Joerg Colberg Email: astro #64; Company Name: University of Pittsburgh Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: USA...
Name: Johan Lindroos Email: lindroos #64; Company Name: CSC Scientific Computing Ltd. Company URL: Telephone: 358 9...
Name: John Good Email: jcg #64; Company Name: Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: USA Comment: My Links...
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Name: John Swinbank Email: swinbank #64; Company Name: Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA...
Name: John Taylor Email: jdt at Company Name: AstroGrid Company URL: Telephone: 441316688329 Fax:...
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Name: Jonathan Tedds Email: jat #64; Company Name: University of Leicester Company URL: http://xmmssc Telephone...
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Name: Jorge Zuluaga Email: jzuluaga #64; Company Name: Instituto de Fisica, Universidad de Antioquia Company URL:
Name: Jose Enrique Ruiz Email: jer #64; Company Name: Instituto Astrofisica Andalucia Company URL: jose enrique ruiz...
Name: Juan de Dios Santander Vela (cited as J.D. Santander Vela) Email: j.santander vela at the skatelescope dot org domain, removing the obvious parts...
Name: Juan Gonzalez Nu...
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Name: Karl Krughoff Email: simon #64; Company Name: University of Pittsburgh Physics and Astronomy Company URL: Telephone:...
Name: Kate Scholberg Email: schol #64; Company Name: Duke University Company URL: Telephone: 919 660...
Name: Kathie Manson Email: kmanson #64; Company Name: University of Melbourne/School of Physics Company URL:
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Name: Kazuhiro Sekiguchi Email: kaz #64; Company Name: Subaru Telescope Company URL: Telephone: 1 808 934 5905...
Name: Ken`ichi Tatematsu Email: k.tatematsu #64; Company Name: National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Company URL:
Name: KennethCChambers Email: chambers #64; Company Name: Institute forAstronomy Company URL: Telephone...
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Name: Kevin benson Email: kmb #64; Company Name: MSSL Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: United...
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Name: Koichi Nakajima Email: zxb04046 #64; Company Name: Hitotsubashi University Company URL: Telephone: 81 42 632 7218 Fax:...
Name: Kona Andrews Email: kea #64; Company Name: AstroGrid, ROE, UK Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country...
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Name: Laszlo Dobos Email: dobos #64; Company Name: Eotvos University, Dept. of Physics of Complex Systems Company URL: http://complex...
Name: Laurie Shaw Email: lds #64; Company Name: IoA, Cambridge Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country...
Name: Lilit Hovhannisyan Email: lilithov11 #64; Company Name: Byuarakan Observatory Company URL: Telephone: 3741 910 999 Fax:...
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Name: Luigi Paioro Email: luigi #64; Company Name: INAF IASF Milano Company URL: http://www.iasf Country: Italy...
Name: Malte Marquarding Email: Malte.Marquarding #64; Company Name: ATNF Company URL: Telephone: 61 2 9372...
Name: Mar Sierra Email: msierra #64; Company Name: ESO/DMO Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: Germany Comment: My...
Name: Marc Pound Email: mpound #64; Company Name: astronomy department, university of maryland Company URL:
Name: Marco Comparato Email: marco.comparato #64; Company Name: INAF Catania Astrophysical Observatory Company URL: http://www.oact.inaf...
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Name: Marie Lise Dubernet Tuckey Email: marie lise.dubernet #64; Company Name: LERMA, Observatory of Paris Company URL:
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Name: Mark Huber Email: huber9 #64; Company Name: IGPP/PAT Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: USA Comment: My Links...
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Name: Martin Kuemmel Email: mkuemmel #64; Company Name: ST ECF Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: Germany...
Name: Masahiro Tanaka Email: masahiro.tanaka #64; Company Name: National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Company URL:
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Name: Mathias Depretz Email: depretz #64;newb6.u Company Name: Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: France Comment...
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Name: Matteo Guainazzi Email: Matteo.Guainazzi #64; Company Name: European Space Astronomy Center of ESA Company URL: http://xmm.vilspa...
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Name: Max Brescia Email: brescia #64; Company Name: INAF Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte Company URL:
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Details Name: Menelaos Perdikeas Email: mperdikeas #64; Organization: ESA/ESAC My Links ATasteOfTWiki view a short introductory presentation...
Name: Michael Burtin Email: michael.burtin #64; Company Name: CNRS Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country:...
Name: Michael Peddle Email: michael.peddle #64; Company Name: Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: Canada Comment...
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Name: Miguel Cervi...
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Name: Mireille Louys Email: mireille.louys #64; Company Name: Observatoire de Strasbourg Company URL: http://astro.u Telephone...
Name: Mohasin Shaikh Email: mohasin.shaikh #64; Company Name: IUCAA Company URL: Telephone:...
Name: Neil Killeen Email: neil.killeen #64; Company Name: Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: Australia Comment:...
Name: Nick Ball Email: Nick.Ball #64;nrc Company Name: Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics Company URL: http://www.nrc
Name: Nicolas Moreau Email: nicolas.moreau #64; Company Name: Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: France Comment:...
Name: Nilesh Urunkar Email: nilesh urunkar #64; Company Name: Persistent Systems Pvt. Ltd. Company URL:
Name: Ninan Sajeeth Philip Email: nspp #64; Company Name: IUCAA, Pune, India (St. Thomas College) Company URL: http://www.iucaa.ernet...
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Name: Omar Laurino Email: olaurino #64; Company Name: Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Company URL: Telephone:...
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Name: Patrick Barthelow Email: aa6eg #64; Company Name: Jamesburg Moon Bounce Company URL: Telephone: (...
Name: Patrizia Manzato Email: manzato #64; Company Name: INAF Trieste Astronomical Observatory Company URL:
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Name: Pablo Mellado Email: pavlom #64; Company Name: Instituto de Astrof...
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Name: Phillip Warner Email: pwarner #64; Company Name: NOAO Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: USA Comment: My...
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Name: Rafael Teran Email: rafael.teran #64; Company Name: The University of the Andes/Physics Company URL: Telephone...
Name: Rafael Teran Email: rteran #64; Company Name: The University of the Andes/astrophysics Company URL: Telephone:...
Name: Raffaele D`Abrusco Email: rdabrusc #64; Company Name: Center for Astrophysics Harvard Smithsonian Company URL: Telephone...
Name: Ralph Seguin Email: seguin #64; Company Name: Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Lab Company URL: Telephone...
Name: Raul Gutierrez Email: raul.gutierrez #64; Company Name: Spanish Virtual Observatory / LAEFF INTA Company URL: http://www.laeff.esa...
Name: Ray Norris Email: Ray.Norris #64; Company Name: CSIRO ATNF Company URL: Telephone: 0417...
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Name: Richard Hook Email: rhook #64; Company Name: ESO/ST ECF Company URL: Telephone: 49 89 32006655 Fax: 49 89 32006703 Country...
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Name: Ryan Scranton Email: scranton #64; Company Name: University of Pittsburgh/Physics Astronomy Company URL: http://www.phyast...
Name: Sabine McConnell Email: sabinemcconnell #64; Company Name: Computing and Information Systems, Trent University Company URL: http://trentu...
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Name: SarahEmeryBunn Email: sarah #64; Company Name: Caltech Company URL: Telephone: 626 395 4622...
Name: Sarah Maddison Email: smaddison #64; Company Name: Swinburne University Company URL: Telephone:...
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Name: Sarah Ponrathnam Email: sarah #64; Company Name: Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics Company URL: http://www...
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Name: Serge Monkewitz Email: smm #64; Company Name: Caltech/IPAC Company URL: Telephone: Fax...
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Name: Shui H Kwok Email: skwok #64; Company Name: W. M. Keck Observatory Company URL: Telephone:...
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Name: Snehal Email: snehal valame #64; Company Name: Persistent,Pune Company URL: Telephone:...
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Name: Stephen Doe Email: sdoe #64; Company Name: SAO, Chandra X ray Center Company URL: Telephone:...
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Name: Tara Murphy Email: Tara.Murphy #64; Company Name: ATNF, CSIRO Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country...
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Name: Tin Kam Ho Email: tkh #64;research.bell Company Name: Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies Company URL: http://www.cs.bell
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Name: Tom Vestrand Email: vestrand #64; Company Name: Los Alamos National Laboratory Company URL: http://
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Name: Tushar Agrawal Email: tushar agrawal #64; Company Name: VOIndia, Persistent Systems Ltd. Company URL:
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Name: Vince McIntyre Email: vmcintyr #64; Company Name: Company URL: Telephone: Fax: Country: Australia Comment...
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Name: Wim Brouw Email: W.N.Brouw #64; Company Name: Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen, NL Company URL: Telephone...
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Name: Yuji Shirasaki Email: yuji.shirasaki #64; Company Name: National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Company URL:
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