Pat D, Gregory DF, Adrian D, Brian Major, Brian McLean, Dave M, Frossie E, Grgory M, Jesus S, Jose O, Joshua F, Marco M, Mark A, Markus D, Pierre F, Pierre L, Renaud S, Russ A, Sara B, Tamara C, Janet E
Added the execution planning model (payload) to openapi
Inheritance works really well
Able to describe complex string formats and validators
Apps/P3T group feedback to Docs/Prototype work - Discussion
Russ: would a standardized encoding format be useful to the standardization process?
Mark T: How about backward compatibility?
(Note: the prototypes shown are not backwards compatible)
Russ: a new start with these tools
Mark T: we should prioritize backward compatibility over tooling support
Markus: experience with SIAP1 & SIAP2. 2 introduced in 2018, but 1 still more prevalent. Fragmentation in major versioning should be avoided. IVOA is a disparate group of implementers with different timelines and budgets.
Josh: can't avoid doing major version changes
Frossie: would be good to know the understanding of effort to make the proposed backwards compatibility changes
Pierre F: What are the details of what is not backwards compatible?
Russ: rough answer: error handling at a different layer (http rather than payload), issues around data types, xml translation to other protocols, etc. A collection of smallish, client-service interactions.
Dave: case sensitivity not supported out-of-box, form encoding not recommended because of security issues
Dave on major versioning: should solving this problem be a separate effort?
Markus: going this route would require active management to ensure the rollout of the deployment across the VO.
Gregory D-P: the library implementation ecosystem isn't sufficient to write the suite of VO services.
Pierre L: appreciates the effort being made to having better described standard definitions.
Dave: Are there any other issues we haven't addressed?
Marco: What is the extent of the backwards compatibility changes we should make? There are options.
Pierre F: Would it be valuable to try to prototype a more simple protocol such as SIA? It would be good to have more specific details of what changes are necessary.
Backwards compatibility the main concern
But we have to be able to produce major version releases