IVOA Roadmap for 2015A
This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2015 between the Sesto and Sydney Interops.
VOTable 1.4
→ awaiting
VODML serialization decision before starting a new cycle
→ call to read and comment the
VODML mapping document
JSAMP→ Support for https → try and see if a few standard adjustements will be required
HiPS→ Study a new capability entry in the registry ?
SpectralDM 2.0
Document stable, waiting for one pending implementation already provided
Somes comments received fue to this implemenation. Discussions to be taken to either update the spec covering some of the
suggestions or close
SpectralDM 2.0 (and wait for recommendation) and include proposals into a possible
SpectralDM 2.1 (draft for Sydney)
ObsCore 1.1
Stable draft provided in Sesto
Document stable with enough implementations
PR to be released after Sesto if agreement is obtained during Sesto (presentation of the status to be done during this interop)
VO/DML mapping
Working in a public draft in coordination with Apps. Not clear schedule (maybe PR for Sydney)
Initial discussions. First WD to be presented in Sydney
CubeDM 1.0, DataSetDM 1.0
Parallel activities. Documents stable. Waiting to have implementations in coordination with SIAv2 DAL spec
If no major problems are found before Sydney, maybe we could have a PR version in Sydney for both specs
It makes use of a more or less stable version of
STC 2.0 model
STC 2.0
Preliminary stable UML provided. Spec still in a preliminary editorial phase.
WD to be presented during interop in spring 2016
VOEvent Transport Protocol
There's agreement within the IG that this is broadly ready to move forward from Working Draft. Will need to be "sponsored" by a WG (likely DAL).
VOEvent Registry Extension
Revision required following comments. Pending manpower; hopefully addressed this year.
Currently on hold pending manpower and refined understanding of requirements.
Time series representation
Enrique Solano has
demonstrated that neither of the two approaches currently suggested for representing time series in the VO --
SimpleTimeSeries and
Spectral Data Model v2 -- address all potential use cases. Working towards a comprehensive solution is a priority. Pending manpower to make progress.
Community engagement
Time domain has been identified as a priority by the IVOA CSP. Community engagement is key to this, and will require support from the larger IVOA machinery.