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IVOA Roadmap for 2016B

This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2016/17 between the Trieste and Shanghai Interops.


Data Access Layer

Data Model


  • in RFC, should be REC by Shanghai


  • standard
    • is in RFC, expect some iteration.
    • goal is to be in TCG review by Shanghai
  • mapping
    • evaluating new annotation syntax,
    • goal is to have a new WD, perhaps in PR by Shanghai


  • restructure and minimize content to NDCube use-case requirements
  • goal is to have a generally accepted working draft, implemented in NDCube/Dataset models and ready for RFC by Shanghai


  • keep updated to STC amd VO-DML developments
  • implement examples in VOTable
  • work as use-case for VO-DML mapping implementation
  • goal is to have fully vetted/validated examples by Shanghai, with the documents ready for RFC pending completion/readiness of dependent models.
  • goals
    • publish Working Draft on IVOA Documents webpage
    • VO-DML compliant representation of the model
    • work out relations between SimDM and ProvenanceDM
    • new section with expanded implementation notes for use cases (with used classes and attributes)

  • regroup to get project working toward a working draft.

Grid and Web Sevices

During the interop in Trieste, the Grid and Web Services working group came to an agreement to support a standard means of authorization through group membership. Such a standard will enable interoperable authorization among IVOA services. It is to be determined whether a note documenting the endorsement and use of an external stardard, or an IVOA standard itself is the best way to incorporate group authorization into the IVOA. A draft of such a proposal will be presented in Shanghai.

A new VOSpace 2.1 Working Draft to be ready before Shanghai. As per the discussions in the first GWS Trieste session, it will include mention of the Public Share Protocol. This protocol may be use to obtain long-lived URLs for publishing papers and DOIs.

"Code to data" was a topic of much discussion in Trieste. The GWS working group would like to pair with the DAL working group to work on a simple IVOA approach on processing data using client submitted code.

Grid and Web Services Standards statuses:

  • The SSO 2.0 final Proposed Recommendation will go to Exec by the end of 2016.
  • The VOSI 1.1 final Proposed Recommendation will go to Exec by the end of 2016.


VOResource 1.1: There are still several open questions (e.g., representation of alternate identifier schemes) that we want to discuss on the mailing list before issuing a PR, together with a preliminary mapping into a RegTAP service (which would start as a proprietary extension before putting this extension on the standards trail). We will try to encourage more data providers to add DOIs or ORCIDs to their registry records. RFC could then start after Shanghai.

Registry Interfaces 1.1 is essentially pending a clarification for having standalone registry records for RegTAP-based searchable registries. We expect to work this point out very soon. It will, however, depend on the Discovering Data Collections Note. We will, therefore, probably synchronise PR of RI 1.1 with the endorsement process of this Note. That, in turn, we want to start in November 2016.

Standards records: We will continue to work with the chairs of the other IVOA working groups to ensure that they register their standards as envisioned by StandardsRegExt (cf. WriteAStandardsRecord).

TAPRegExt 1.1 will be kept in lockstep with TAP 1.1; since the latter is expected to go PR this year, so will TAPRegExt 1.1.

SimpleDALRegExt 1.1 has been fully reviewed in Trieste and should be approved by the Exec later this year.


Data Curation & Preservation


Knowledge Discovery in Databases



Time Domain

Standard and Processes

Science Priorities


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Topic revision: r5 - 2017-01-30 - MarkCresitelloDittmar
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