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The ADASS XXII Guide to Eating in the Champaign-Urbana Area

in progress

Find short descriptions of some of the many eating choices available below.

View Eating for ADASS: Overview in a larger map
-- Notable for quality or convenience
-- Region containing multiple restaurants
-- Conference hotels
-- Conference Center

Hey Vegetarians!

Many of the restaurants described below are vegetarian and vegan-friendly. Cross-reference it with this listing from

Restaurant codes used in descriptions below
* -- Recommended for quality or convenience
L -- Lunch only
A -- Serves Beer, wine, and/or spirits.
$ -- Reasonable Cost, particularly for Lunch
$$ -- A little more expensive, more appropriate for dinner

Near the Hotels: Kirby Avenue and Neil Street

I know, it's mostly chain restaurants within walking distance of the conference, but there are a few gems in there.

Merry Ann's Diner (* L $)
This Champaign mainstay is the real-deal--everything you want from a true American diner. Open Late.
Find it: from the hotels, it's just across Neil Street on the far north corner with Kirby.
Espresso Royale (* $)
Coffee drinkers: If you are not staying at the I-Hotel, you wil probably be stopping here for a proper cupa.
Find it: On the hotel side of Neil street next door to the Hilton Garden Inn.
Cactus Grill (* $$)
Not the same ol' Mexican
Find it: Next door to Espresso Royale.
Jarling's Custard Cup (* $)
Who cares that it's November--this is the best frozen custard in town!
Find it: Walk west on Kirby Ave and find it on the south side, past State St
Seaboat (* $$)
The best fish-and-chips in town by folks who care about fresh fried fish. Throw in some soulful sides like fried okra or sweet potato pie. Worth the slightly longer walk.
Find it: Walk west on Kirby Ave and find it on the south side, just past Jarlings and Vinny's Pizza.

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PNGpng neareats.png r1 manage 91.1 K 2012-11-04 - 16:30 RayPlante  
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Topic revision: r1 - 2012-11-04 - RayPlante
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