GroupTitleMost stableIn progressURL Form 1URL1 ResultURL Form 2 URL2 Result
App SAMP - Simple Application Messaging Protocol 1.3 URL URL
VOTable - VOTable Format Definition 1.4 URL
MOC - HEALPix Multi-Order Coverage Map 1.1 URL
HiPS - Hierarchical Progressive Survey 1.0 URL
DAL DALI - Data Access Layer Interface 1.1 URL
DataLink 1.0 URL
Simple Cone Search 1.03 1.1 URL
SIA - Simple Image Access 2.0 URL
SLAP - Simple Line Access 1.0 2.0 URL
SSA - Simple Spectral Access 1.1 URL
STC-S: Space-Time Coordinate Metadata Linear String Implementation 1.0 URL
TAP - Table Access Protocol 1.1 URL
TAPRegExt - A VOResource Schema Extension for Describing TAP Services 1.0 URL
ADQL) and its string representation, ADQL/s.">ADQL - Astronomical Data Query Language 2.00 2.1 URL
SimDAL - Simulation Data Access Layer 1.0 URL
VOEvent Transport Protocol 2.00 URL
SODA - Server-side Operations for Data Access 1.0 URL
Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol 1.0 URL
EPN-TAP: Publishing Solar System Data to the Virtual Observatory 2.0 URL
DaM PHOTDM - Photometry Data Model 1.0 URL
SimDM - Simulation Data Model 1.0 URL
STC) metadata for the Virtual Observatory.">STC - Space-Time Coordinate Metadata for the Virtual Observatory 1.33 URL
Data Model for Astronomical DataSet Characterisation 1.13 URL
SSLDM - Simple Spectral Lines Data Model 1.0 RFC URL
SpectralDM - IVOA Spectral Data Model 1.1 URL
ObsCore - Observation Data Model Core Components and its Implementation in the Table Access Protocol 1.1 URL
VODML - A Consistent Modeling Language for IVOA Data Models 1.0 URL
DatasetDM - Dataset Metadata Model 1.0 URL
CubeDM - N-Dimensional Cube/Image Model 1.0 URL
ProvenanceDM - Provenance Data Model 1.0 1.0 URL
Astronomical Coordinates and Coordinate Systems RFC URL
WCS Transform Model 1.0 URL
Meas - Astronomical Measurements Model RFC URL
Observation Locator Table Access Protocol RFC URL
GWS PDL - Parameter Description Language 1.0 URL
SSO - Single-Sign-On Profile: Authentication Mechanisms 2.0 URL
VOSpace service specification 2.1 URL
Credential Delegation Protocol 1.0 URL
UWS - Universal Worker Service 1.1 URL
VOSI - IVOA Support Interfaces 1.1 URL
GMS - Group Membership Service 1.0 URL
ReR IVOA Identifiers 2.0 URL
IVOA Registry Interfaces 1.1 URL
RM - Resource Metadata for the Virtual Observatory 1.12 URL
StandardsRegExt: a VOResource Schema Extension for Describing IVOA Standards 1.0 URL
SimpleDALRegExt - Describing Simple Data Access Services 1.1 1.2 URL
VOResource - an XML Encoding Schema for Resource Metadata 1.1 URL
VODataService - A VOResource Schema Extension for Describing Collections and Services 1.1 1.2 URL
RegTAP - Registry Relational Schema 1.1 URL
Semantics VOUnits - Units in the VO 1.0 URL
UCD - An IVOA standard for Unified Content Descriptors 1.10 URL
UCD1+ Controlled Vocabulary
version <= 1.3: recommendation
Version >= 1.4: endorsed note
1.3 1.4 URL
Maintenance of the list of UCD words 1.20 RFC URL
Vocabularies in the Virtual Observatory 1.19 2.00 URL
SDP DocStd - IVOA Document Standards 2.0 URL
VOE OpenSkyNode, part of the OpenSkyQuery Portal">VOEvent - Sky Event Reporting Metadata (VOEvent) 2.0 URL
VOEventRegExt - An XML Encoding Schema for Resource Metatdata for Collections of Events 1.0 URL

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Topic revision: r1 - 2020-12-04 - TomDonaldson
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