HEIG Meeting (online) - Wed Oct 23, 2024 @ 13:00 UTC




  • Attendees: Laurant, Jutta, Mark CD, Matthias, Bruno, Ian, Pierre, Christine, Chenzhou, janet
  • Regrets:


  • NEW
    • Francesca - Complete invitations to Plenary and report if there is a space to fill; add Jutta for a Neutrino presentation to the group. - DONE
    • Ian - Followup with conversation to update section 3.2.2 to discuss extreme poison and observable vs physical and other details discussed in the Git Issue you submitted - Working
    • Mathieu - Add Photometry DM to list of DMs with HE interest; HE approaches photometry different than Optical - Working
    • ALL - Consider a presentation to another group on a HE topic ... let's have a strong showing and get involved in this meeting - few topics suggestion in notes below.
    • ALL - Review the Doc as a whole - what's missing, needs update, needs expansion???
  • Old/OPEN
    • Giuseppe Greco - writeup project description and use case for GW (Section 2 - see other examples there; also 4.5 for Multi-wavelength)
    • Laurent - Expand SVOM (France/China) description (Sec 2.2.3) - OPEN
    • Ada - Use cases - Section 4.3 - review/expand (transient) - OPEN (JE had email exchange with Ada - 9/25)
  • Old/CLOSED

Meeting Agenda

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Topic revision: r2 - 2024-10-23 - JanetEvans
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