Mark Cresitello-Dittmar, Mathieu Servillat, Catherine Boisson, Francois Bonnarel, Raffaelle D'Abrusco, Ian Evans, Janet Evans, Matthias Fuessling, Tess Jaffe, Bruno Khelifi, Mireille Louys, Jutta Schinabel, Fabian Schussler
Regrets :
Ada Nebot
JE: Send doodle poll for a mtg in ~1 month (Oct 19 @13:00 was a possibility; Oct 11 bad)
CTAO: prepare a presentation/discussion on Instrument Response Function (IRF) data and how it relates to the event data (for next mtg)
IE: Prepare a presentation/discussion on ARF & RMF and how it relates (for next mtg)
DM project leads: Make an event list & supporting products available to the group to review; try to map that data to the Cube model using the Chandra example Mark presented
Mark CD: Follow up with a group or 2 to review their data and model - offer input and also take in possible changes to current cube thinking
Mathieu: What makes an event list unique? ie: What content should users expect to exist in an Event List instance? Let's try to answer that at the next mtg
All: Plan for side meeting at the next interop in Nov - hybrid
Meeting Notes
MCD presentation of the IVOA Dataset & Cube model and as an example, the Chandra event list mapping to the model
Q&A Highlights: Good discussion and participation overall
General discussion that the model can map to specific event lists for each project - let's try the exercise and see if we're missing something??
BK: event lists containing time, energy, direction
BK: why a separation of Image and SparseCube?
MCD: They are structurally different, NDImage contains pixel axes, while the SparseCube is a collection of Points. They both share the same DataAxis elements in the model, so interaction/combination should be possible. We will need to see the example.
Variable size bins?? - yes
FB: it may be possible to describe a DataProduct with some sparse and some binned axes as a SparseCube with a DataAxis of NDImage type.
Discussion on Dataset (header info) & DataProduct (the Data itself) & use of those terms in the model
MCD: there are somewhat contradictory statements in the current model which stem from conflating the concept of Dataset as a modeled object and the serialization of that object.
Dataset is only the metadata
a dataset may be a single file (eg: Image, Spectrum), or a tar file or directory containing multiple files
MS: at CTA, the DataProduct is considered to contain both the metadata, and data.
This topic can be discussed more, perhaps in the DM group with a goal to find concensus on names and relations between 3 objects
The collection of metadata: currently Dataset
The structural definition of the data: currently DataProduct
The container holding both: currently not modeled.
Discussion on Supporting products and how they fit in (IRF, ARF, RMF) - examples for next mtg
BK: we need to include the instrument response function, it is very important to the interpretation of the event list
IE: described how Chandra uses a rather simple IRF and performs the conversion from PHA to Energy during processing, storing energy as a static column.
MCD: possibly can use Transform
IE: asserted that the process for the conversion is rather complex, and further requires Spectra.. so may not be well suited for Transform.
TJ: notes that HEASAR standards for Spectra require a 'channel' axis.. is this supported
IE: the Chandra pha/pi columns are equivalent to channel
BK: for them, the relation between IRF and is much looser.. may be 1-1 with an event list or 1-* (or *-1 ?.. I (MCD) don't remember what was said exactly).
TJ: question if the model has been compared against the OGIP standard in full
MCD: Work to date has focused on the Chandra event list example, Ian says Chandra meets the OGIP standard. We should review OGIP more generally and a HEASARC example.
post-meeting side note: if we map an OGIP standard to the Cube model, then any implementation which understands an OGIP compliant serialization is a Cube model implementation.
MS: Raised Question - What are the key Measurements expected in High Energy Event Lists? eg: Time, Position, Energy
Further discussion for next mtg
MCD: Raised Question - Do our various event lists include errors?
BK: have optional error elements
JS: neutrino data has positional errors usually, sometimes energy
Other questions/topics raised in the presentation not yet discussed.
We need to refine modeling of non-measurement types of data from example products (eg: quality bits)
Do we need to model the concept of 'data subspace'.. for Chandra, the GTIs are a component of this concept as are any REGION filters applied to the event list.
Do we need to support virtual data in version 1?
this was not discussed, but the content of the general discussion leads me to believe that this is needed.