HEIG Meeting (online) - Fri Jun 28, 2024 @ 13:00 UTC


  • Attendees: Mathieu, Catherine, Francois, Mureille, Ian, Janet, Jutta, Bruno, Karl, Mathias, Tess
  • Regrets : Mark CD, F Civano
  • New
    • SEE BELOW in mtg notes ...
  • OLD
    • MCD - MCD suggested Use cases that follow a story board are helpful to WGs that work to implement the standards; Mark will make several examples available to guide HEIG contributors - OPEN
    • ALL - Several specific use cases were mentioned to add and we're sure there are more - (Events lists, science alerts (multi messenger), Vos-Obj, response functions) - Let's work to add use cases - WORKING

Meeting Agenda

  • IVOA Doc review/actions ...
    • Links to VO and HE Astrophysics Draft: (also linked from HE wiki page)
    • Discussion : Adding gravitational wave to IVOA Notes - email from G Greco/some discussion below: Conclusion YES, let's add it - actions below
      • Multi-order coords map - space and time / moc
      • if we introduce GW, GW events to find counterparts - discovery very different from the skeleton we have now. Not event lists, no images, use case could be added in the use case section
      • High energy event as a particle as we’ve decfined it; GW is a cosmic event
      • Juta: how defined or constrained we are on this event list topic? … K3Net (neutrino); have a space dataset of significant events; goes toward GW; Fabian - can be a handful of events …. doesn’t have to be a lot; MOC maps on sky are being taken up by many more observatories … will move into this direction (IceCube)
      • events vs catalog - do science with it; GW are more like catalogs of fully processed things with a MOC per event
    • Walked through the IVOA note ... identified people who could help in each section:
      • Giuseppe Greco - weriteup project description and use case for GW (Section 2 - see other examples there; aldo 4.5 for Multi-wavelength)
      • Ian - provide data flow specifications; open section to handle Neutrino; Section 3 - Review ... may need to qualify for data it maps to
      • Juta - use case for Neutrino's
      • Ada/Laurent - Expand XMM description (Section 2.2.2)
      • ??? - Expand SVOM description (Sec 2.2.3)
      • Tess - OGIP format description (Sec 3.3.1)
      • Karl/Juta - GADF/VODF review (Sec 3.3.2)
      • Ian/Janet - Tools for data extraction and Vis review (section 3.4)
      • Karl - Use cases - Section 4.2/4.4 - review/expand (I believe Karl took actions on Bruno and would take back to group)
      • Ada - Use cases - Section 4.3 - review/expand (transient)
      • Mathieu - Section 5 use case review
      • Laurant - Section 5.1.5 - MIVOT description (Is it complete?)
      • Mathieu - Provenance section
      • Mark CD - data models in working drafts - Expand (Section 5.2)
      • Put Obscore section together to not lose what there but not do the deifnitive work on a list; keep list as candidates in discussion
      • Mireille - Obscore table completion (6.2.2); other TODOs in Section 6.2.3
      • Mathieu - Section 6.4, DataLink eample
      • Everyone ... Give the doc a good read and comment!!!!
  • Early discussion on Malta Session
    • need to invite folks by early Sept for Nov 15-17 mtg
    • Work to develop ideas - noted external project were important for the Plenary; need to give TCG notice that we'd like a session
  • Next Mtg: Friday, August 30 13:00 UTC --- It's important tat the Doc gets to final review for this meeting; focus on Malta Plenary -- come with Ideas!!!

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