Discuss current state of Obscore work and priority for HEIG, here's a shot at it ...
Registry and where it belongs in the scheme of things wrt Obscore
We discussed that core keywords to Obscore would go in the Obscore standard and managed by DM; that information on the registry and access would be directed to DAL; and that extensions unique to a waveband would be managed by the IGs in possibly an Endorsed Note.
Review HE drafty Obscore table
Ian stepped through the table he organized; he emphasized that queries made by scientists needed to be straight forward for them to use the VO and benefit from this work
Review of Radio extension and overlap with keywords of interest to HE
Bruno stepped through the Radio Draft document (#2 above) and highlighted the many overlaps with keywords of interest to HESS and HE data.
Next steps:
Compare the Radio extension(#2 above) to the HE working doc (#5 above). Does it add to the doc we have so far?
Write up the HE working table (#5 above) to be more definitive so folks can review and comment. In the form of a Note. Identify Core Obscore keywords and HE extension keywords. Have this doc ready for the Baltimore Interop.
Prepare with DM/DAL and plan a way forward at the next Interop. Is it a session, plenary, or pre-Interop meeting day on this topic??