Materials for the IVOA booth at the IAU General Assembly

Vienna, Austria, Aug 20-31, 2018

Printed IVOA flyer:



Virtual Flyers for each IVOA member project:

Template pptx file: project_virtual_flyer_template.pptx

( Original Instructions for IVOA member projects: Please use the template to make 2 slides for your project. The media group has prepared the template with 3 different options of backgrounds for you to choose from. Please upload your 2 slides to this wiki page with a file name in the form Project_flyer.pptx (e.g. EuroVO _flyer.pptx).)

Compilation of virtual flyers shown at the booth: IVOA_virtual_flyers_total_v3.pptx

Small Colourful Posters used at the IVOA booth:

ivoa_small_posters2.png ivoa_small_posters2.png

Presentation on VO in Education

vo_IAFRATE_IAU_2018.pdf: VO-edu talk by Giulia Iafrate vo_edu_image.png:

Schedule for the Booth:

PDF file of schedule (version: July 7, 2018)

IAU program:

  • IVOA booth at IAU 2018:
Topic attachments
I AttachmentSorted ascending History Action Size Date Who Comment
JPEGjpg CCZ_1947.JPG r1 manage 1319.8 K 2018-09-18 - 07:03 MarkAllen IVOA booth at IAU 2018
Unknown file formatpptx ESA-VO_Virtual_Flyer.pptx r1 manage 12230.4 K 2018-08-02 - 10:11 DeborahBaines ESA-VO virtual flyer for IAU booth
Unknown file formatpptx EuroVO_virtual_flyer.pptx r1 manage 17461.3 K 2018-08-10 - 15:19 MarkAllen Euro-VO flyer
Unknown file formatpptx gavo_virtual_flyer.pptx r1 manage 2811.1 K 2018-08-10 - 15:03 MargaridaCastroNeves GAVO virtual flyer
PDFpdf IVOA_IAU_Booth_-_Google_Docs.pdf r1 manage 162.0 K 2018-07-07 - 07:49 MarkAllen  
PNGpng ivoa_iau_flyer_v2_pg1_image.png r1 manage 1209.6 K 2018-09-18 - 08:13 MarkAllen  
PNGpng ivoa_iau_flyer_v2_pg2_image.png r1 manage 1009.2 K 2018-09-18 - 08:13 MarkAllen  
PDFpdf ivoa_iau_flyer_v2.pdf r1 manage 5795.2 K 2018-09-18 - 07:17 MarkAllen IVOA flyer
PDFpdf ivoa_small_posters.pdf r1 manage 6839.4 K 2018-09-18 - 07:24 MarkAllen Small posters used at the IVOA Booth
PNGpng ivoa_small_posters.png r1 manage 5891.8 K 2018-09-18 - 07:34 MarkAllen  
PNGpng ivoa_small_posters1.png r1 manage 3444.4 K 2018-09-18 - 07:38 MarkAllen  
PNGpng ivoa_small_posters2.png r1 manage 2284.9 K 2018-09-18 - 08:18 MarkAllen  
PNGpng IVOA_virtual_flyers_total_v3_example.png r1 manage 1069.0 K 2018-09-18 - 08:06 MarkAllen  
Unknown file formatpptx IVOA_virtual_flyers_total_v3.pptx r1 manage 122410.8 K 2018-09-18 - 07:10 MarkAllen Virtual Flyers compilation
Unknown file formatpptx project_virtual_flyer_template.pptx r1 manage 4862.0 K 2018-07-07 - 07:59 MarkAllen  
Unknown file formatpptx SA3_IVOA_flyev2.pptx r1 manage 5606.4 K 2018-08-02 - 19:57 PatriciaWhitelock SA-cubed flyer
PNGpng vo_edu_image.png r1 manage 731.6 K 2018-09-18 - 08:13 MarkAllen  
PDFpdf vo_IAFRATE_IAU_2018.pdf r1 manage 2391.3 K 2018-08-27 - 14:43 GiuliaIafrate VO-edu talk by Giulia Iafrate
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Topic revision: r7 - 2018-09-18 - MarkAllen
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