Dave Morris: ExecutionPlanner Service Interface
Today there exists a large variety of Science Platforms, they serve different communities, they have different configurations and different authentication methods. How can we make them interoperable?
There exists notebook based platform and platforms that execute containers. Both are based on a single file that defines the task, evenif the "content of the file" is different (task specific), the pattern is very similar.
The reality however is not so simple, there are a lot of different services that are not defined by a single file: reality is messy.
The Idea is to describe tasks in terms of what kind of service (eg. docker) and the amount of resources (cpus, memory etc) a user need.
we are working on two notes:
The combination of the two allows to schedule containers using different methods, like helm, kubernetes, docker-compose, etc. into a specific platform able to satisfy the resource requirements.
GT: we could dedicate a virtual splinter in the next days to brainstorm on this idea
Stefano Alberto Russo: Rosetta science platform
It is a conteiner centric microservices based science platform that allow users to execute tasks on different platforms including HPC clusters. Based on a set of architectural elements: files, computing resources, tasks, comtainers, AAI.
In practice it is a way to allow users to run containers of their choosing to host their containers for tasks. Similar to execution planner but a lot more simple in terms of the scope.
GT: the platform architecture identifies a set of elements that corresponds to services and standards that IVOA already has but shoud be updated to recent tecnologies (as containers). This si in line with what Dave is doing on extending UWS.
Brian Major: GMS RFC.
Brian is presenting the GMS and he is going through the currently open RFC issues.
GMS (group membership service) is an API that answers questions about whether a user is a member of a group or which groups they are a member of. GMS is supporting interaction between services; a user calling GMS directly isn't really useful (you can find out your group information) but if you have a TAP service using GMS for authorization decisions then it does become useful bacase it implements access control to data.
There's the RFC page where comments and can be submitted or github issues and pull requests.
We discuss the various issues and comments from github and wiki.
BM suggests a sort of "implementation recommendations" at the end of the document with a few sentences on different things that we have discussed during the session.
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