Registry WG Session, IVOA Interoperability Virtual meeting, April 2022
Friday April 29 - 15:00 UTC
Notes combined from Etherpad: Theresa Dower, Pierre le Sidaner, Markus Demleitner. Thank you!
B2Find search portal - search and ingest research metadata across various scientific communities.
One of harvesting methods is OAI-PMH, which works with the IVOA registries
- schema mapping EUDAT Core: experimental format through GAVO registry, includes instrument, etc. Markus is involved in using the EUDAT core metadata, it's a job in progress. Specially for coverage for time, and sky coverage. instrument and resourcetype is now inside
- système no-sql with facet
- Current portal: .New B2Find site coming June 2022 (or later)
OpenAire: another EU-wide search project; papers, 'research output'
- Everything in B2Find published in OAI with various metadata prefixes; harvested to OpenAire as DataCite
- OpenAire use multiple data id not only DOI as Datacite, but it's the one we already provide (via GAVO)
- Some IVOA metadata lost in translation; can be improved when they support EUDAT Core?
Do IVOA records count as 'in' European Open Science Cloud because GAVO registry ->
B2Find ->
- Search Portal (yes), Marketplace (EOSC members have no relevant services), not working well.
- Update in September: may make this more useful?
- FAIRCORE 4 EOSC: proposal to expand service definitions, will this make ours usable?
- So, yes, but groups becoming formal 'EOSC Provider' to onboard services and products would improve inclusion in upcoming projects. How do we do that?
* Call from Markus to add temporal coverage to registry records - to pull into these searches
* Mark Allen: working with EOSC policy and other EU projects: how do we onboard IVOA / registry as a whole? Some projects and data services already in (SIMBAD), but how do we do this as a whole?
* Tess Jaffe: similar to some NASA open science plans?
RegTAP 1.2 Working Draft soon:
STC Tables and
GloTS replacements
STC tables:
- Example implementation at:
- We need more implementations before standard! And this means MOC support!
MOC takeup issues:
- MOC in ADQL (not in 2.1?)
- MOC in VOTable (this goes in DALI -- is in DALI 1.2 per Pat Dowler)
- MOC in DB: we have these in pgSphere. what about SQL Server?
Use of Utype in table metadata to dicover tap with specific datamdel (rr, epn-tap, line ...)
GloTS (evolution of Glots used for finding services, harvest /tables from tap services):
- Can we offer a view of TAP-queryable tables?
- Needs to filter duplicate tables (from tableset of TAP service and from resources with aux TAP capabilities)
- proposal: view server side? requires UNION, not supported in ADQL for client side
- Open problems:
- Some services do not maintain their tablesets in the registry (problem of maintaining tableset on registry resource, difficult if you don't have an integrated publishing registry)
- tableset not 100% well defined - can contain output tables we want to keep out of tap_table (???)
- There's no way to get originating resource
- Dower: See the sql/etc for the view build?
Hendrik Heinl: Documentation and Tutorials in the Registry
Use cases: Curated tutorial collections
- Especially how do we find tutorials on how to publish?
- These become outdated - how can we track this usefully?
- Janet Evans: Can harvest these all into a web collection
- How do we curate these to be useful and validated?
- Markus: sort by contentlevel, validation tags, author, etc
Chloé Azria: Registering EPN-TAP services using DaCHS
Work translating planetary schema/vocabulary (EPN Core) to TAP/resources tags
Provenance issues: only one naming authority, several servers
Findability issues with first pass of resource names/titles
- don't find own services w/default TOPCAT inclusion
- problem discovering service EPN-TAP as collection as they have each one specific subject. The more convenient client is TOPCAT, when venus is a subject in VODataResource, it's not visible in the query
- Also a Topcat feature, when you select a resource inside a TAP VODataService topcat select the first table alphabetically not the one dedicated to the selected ressource
- debugging with TOPCAT / ADQL
- Mark Taylor: will follow up (with Markus) on TOPCAT findability, what tags show up where?
- Claudia: Can we rely on everyone using UAT for subjects?
- Markus / Theresa / Chloe: Not technically required but we are all working on it!
- Baptiste: the issues with search are also in TAP Handle - this may be the CatalogResource type?
- Markus: pyvo pull request for registry search - way to fix findability, maybe?