Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatext DM1Notes r1 manage 7.8 K 2004-05-29 - 00:03 JonathanMcDowell Norman's minutes from DM1
Unknown file formatext DM3Notes r1 manage 8.3 K 2004-05-29 - 00:04 JonathanMcDowell Norman's minutes from DM3
Unknown file formatgz IVOA_May2004_DM.pdf.gz r1 manage 1621.8 K 2004-05-28 - 15:36 AnitaRichards Obs DM use for radio & other data (Anita Richards)
Unknown file formatgz IVOA_May2004_DM.sxi.gz r1 manage 2191.1 K 2004-05-28 - 15:35 AnitaRichards Obs DM use for radio & other data (Anita Richards)
Unknown file formatgz LambObsDMandRadioDM.pdf.gz r1 manage 131.1 K 2004-05-28 - 15:32 AnitaRichards Observation DM & the Radio DM (Peter Lamb)
Unknown file formatgz LambObsDMandRadioDM.ppt.gz r1 manage 387.4 K 2004-05-28 - 15:31 AnitaRichards Observation DM & the Radio DM (Peter Lamb)
PowerPointppt dm-presentation20040528.ppt r1 manage 1997.0 K 2008-05-06 - 05:37 GerardLemson (Found finally)
HTMLhtml jcm.html r2 r1 manage 1.0 K 2004-05-29 - 01:51 JonathanMcDowell Link to Jonathan's presentations
PDFpdf obsdm.pdf r1 manage 171.2 K 2004-06-22 - 15:59 MireilleLouys Observation Data Model/ UMLdiag. &WG interactions
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Topic revision: r12 - 2008-05-06 - GerardLemson
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