InterOpMay2005 Architecture


ChenzhouCui (CC), Dave De Young (DdY), FrancoiseGenova (FG), BobHanisch (BH), AjitKembhavi (AK), AndyLawrence (AL), GerardLemson (GL), TonyLinde (TL), JonathanMcDowell (JM), AndreaPreiteMartinez (AM), FrancoisOchsenbein (FO), MasatoshiOhishi (MO), PeterQuinn (PQ), GuyRixon (GR), NicholasWalton (NW).

Notes from the Meeting

(prepared by NAW 20050515)

AL chaired the meeting.

Goals of Meeting:

  • look at the the technical milestones
  • look at the process in place to generate the milestones.

1. Process and Reporting for Projects and Working Groups

AL presented a new note on this topic that he has drafted - this in response to the EXEC action: FM13-3.1.

- see paper at

Discussion took place on the level of reporting.

It was AGREED that if there was no report from the WG/IG from two consecutive interop meetings, then the IVOA chair would contact the IG/WG Chair to check on status. No reponse - then disband the WG/IG.

Reports from WG should be requested and assessed by the tech lead who will then report at the arch review meeting at the interop.

It was AGREED that the technical milestones are the responsibility of the EXEC, but the Tech Lead produces them in the first place.

In terms of the 8 step process - AL noted that problems were happening in step 4 - issue the RFC. This must include mailing to and setting up a wiki page to receive comments.

It was AGREED that at point 6 - the chair would consult with the technical lead as to whether the proposed rec should go to the exec for a vote.

It was AGREED to set up a summary wiki page listing progress of each std against the 8 steps: ACTION NW

The draft from AL should be issued as a IVOA Note under the Std WG.

Tech Lead should chase these milestones.

2. Technical Milestones

Reviewed the technical milestones.

2.1 Roadmap to jan 2005

  • IVOA identifiers - Exec to vote.
  • 1.06 UCD - AM noted that the RFC had prompted comments on the secondary paper giving the UCD list. (with only one comment on the syntax doc). Aim to vote on the 1.06 UCD syntax at the Weds IVOA exec meeting.
  • STC RFC - RFC issued at STCMetadataRFC1dot21.
  • VO support interface - this is progressing at this interop.
  • SSA v0.9 is to be discussed at this meeting. JM reported that it would be Jul-Aug 05 before a Proposed Recommendation came out
  • ADQL - MO reported that three projects have implemented ADQL 0.9 - NVO, JVO and ESAC.

2.2 then the roadmap for 2005

BH noted that most stds are behind (looking at the 'products' list).

discussion of 'are there too many stds in the pipeline'? critical path for 2005 are those stds needed to prioduce a solid VO.

GL - commented on the theory milestones. A number of issues are now being raised - and these should go to the relevant working groups.

3. Ideas for new groups

VOSpace as a new group? Concern that this would just be the same group as the current GWS WG.

It was AGREED that the GWS WG should decide whether or not they should have a new VOSpace group.

4. 2006 milestones

It was agreed that the Tech Lead, having recieved input from the WG Chairs, should produce a list for 2006 technical milestones, for presentation at the IVOA Jul 05 exec meeting.

5. Small Projects in the IVOA

CC - what would be the status of projects in the IVOA - especially considering possible new small projects.

AL: the class of members were discussed at the San Diego Jan 05 exec meeting. it was agreed then that there would only be one class of membership.

This would be discussed further at the Exec meeting.

6. AOB


Meeting closed at 18:45.

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