InterOpMay2005 Data Access Layer

Preliminary Reading



ADQL and DAL"> Session 1 (Tue AM): ADQL and DAL (Joint with VOQL)

  • Integration of SIAP, SSAP, SkyNode using "Virtual Columns" (Yuji)
  • Preliminary thoughts on ADQL integration into DAL (DT)
  • Road map on future collaborative work
  • Any Other Business (Future work, etc.)

Session 2 (Tue PM): SSA (Joint with DM)

  • SSA Protocol and Query Interface (DT)
  • SSA Data Model (Jonathan)
  • Others - SED/Spectral Model and SSA implementations?

Session 3 (Thu AM): Future Topics

  • Spectral Line List Interface (Marie-Lise, Pedro, et. al.)
  • SIA V1.1 planning
    • Metadata extension mechanism (Francois)
    • Scope; first look at revised query interface, based on SSA (DT)
  • Data Analysis and VO
    • User's perspective (Richard Hook)
    • Architecture: DAL service framework, VO-client interface (DT)
    • Discussion

Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions

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PDFpdf ssa-v090.pdf r1 manage 333.1 K 2005-05-12 - 08:29 DougTody SSA V0.90 draft
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Topic revision: r3 - 2005-05-12 - DougTody
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