Applications Session at the May 2007 Interop Meeting


The Applications Working Group has five sessions at the Beijing Interoperability meeting. Apps 1, 2 and 3 comprises presentations and demos of new and updated applications. Sessions Apps 4 and 5 are dedicated to the Applications Messaging Standard discussion.

New and Updated VO Applications Sessions


SpeakerSorted descending Title File Time
Wen LI FitHAS, an easy of use assistant tool for FITS data archiving .ppt 17:05-17:20 (15)
Roy WILLIAMS Asynchronous services from NVO .ppt 16:00-16:20 (20)
Regis HAIGRON Tools for implementing S.I.A and S.S.A .pdf 15:15-15:30 (15)
Pierre FERNIQUE Aladin 4 in the VO .ppt 14:20-14:35 (15)
Phillip WARNER NOAO VOEvent Services and Clients .ppt 16:20-16:35 (15)
Noel WINSTANLEY Resource-centric access to VO .pdf 9:20-9:40 (20)
  Applications 1. Tue 15, 8:30-10:00 (parallel VOTable, Theory1)    
  Welcome   8:30-8:40
  Applications 2. Tue 15, 14:00-15:30 (parallel GWS2, Theory2)    
  Applications 3. Tue 15, 16:00-17:30 (parallel VOQL1)    
Mark TAYLOR Scalability experiments using STIL .pdf 16:35-16:50 (15)
Laurent MICHEL SAADA   17:20-17:35 (15)
Isa BARBARISI New Functionalities with VOSpec and Interoperability .ppt 14:00-14:20 (20)
Igor CHILINGARIAN PLASTIC communication btwn data archive and client software: application to IFU spectra   14:55-15:15 (20)
Thomas BOCH
Footprint Description .pdf
16:50-17:05 (15)
Deoyani NANDREKAR VOPlot family, VOCat and VOStat .ppt 9:40-10:00 (20)
Christopher MILLER The NOAO NVO Portal .mov 14:35-14:55 (20)
ChenzhouCui Updated SkyMouse and lessons learned from its development .ppt 8:40-9:00 (20)
Bruce BERRIMAN Montage   9:00-9:20 (20)

Applications Messaging Standard Sessions

Topic Time
Applications 4. Wed 16, 8:30-10:00 (parallel VOQL2)  
Introduction - Mark ALLEN (pdf) 8:30-8:40
State of play and plan for discussion - John TAYLOR & Mike FITZPATRICK 8:40-9:10
Discussion points for SAMP - JT & MF, moderated by MA & MT (flash, pdf) 9:10-10:20
Plan for Apps 5 session 10:20-10:30
Applications 5. Thurs 17, 16:00-17:30 (parallel DAL5)  
Synchronous/Asynchronous hub/application API (MT) (.pdf) 16:00-16:15
SAMP discussions continued (JT & MF) 16:15-17:00
Plan for documents and implementations 17:00-17:30

See InterOpMay2007AppsMessagingMinutes

Applications Focus Sessions - To be decided

Topic Date & Time
Implementation issues for STC in Applications ?
Apps report on 'VO interoperability with astronomy software packages and environments' ?

links: Applications Working Group: Applications Messaging Discussion Pages : PLASTIC changes table

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PowerPointppt AladinV4.ppt r1 manage 6324.0 K 2007-05-16 - 05:34 PierreFernique Aladin V4 in the VO
PowerPointppt Apps1.ppt r1 manage 57.5 K 2007-05-16 - 00:42 MikeFitzpatrick <nop>AppMsg Issues
PDFpdf Apps4Intro.pdf r1 manage 214.6 K 2007-05-17 - 01:57 MarkAllen Introduction to Apps 4 session
PDFpdf ESOCDSfootprint.pdf r1 manage 399.8 K 2007-05-17 - 04:16 ThomasBoch ESO/CDS instrument footprint facility
PowerPointppt FitHAS_ivoa_presentation.ppt r1 manage 486.5 K 2007-05-15 - 06:06 ChenzhouCui  
PDFpdf IVOA2007-APPLICATIONS-SIA-TOOLS.pdf r1 manage 1737.6 K 2007-05-17 - 02:08 MarkAllen Tools for implementing SIA and SIA
PowerPointppt NOAO-VOEvent-2007-05-15.ppt r1 manage 390.5 K 2007-05-17 - 02:05 MarkAllen NOAO VOEvent
PowerPointppt Nesssi-beijing.ppt r1 manage 1887.0 K 2007-05-17 - 02:01 MarkAllen Asynchronous services from NVO
PDFpdf SAMP1.0Proposals.pdf r1 manage 5883.9 K 2007-05-21 - 16:10 JohnTaylor  
SWF (Shockwave Flash)swf SAMP1.0Proposals.swf r1 manage 4844.2 K 2007-05-21 - 15:11 JohnTaylor Propsed changes PLASTIC->"SAMP"
PowerPointppt SkyMouse_IVOA.ppt r1 manage 2729.5 K 2007-05-15 - 06:05 ChenzhouCui  
PowerPointppt VOCat.ppt r1 manage 6989.0 K 2007-07-04 - 04:34 DeoyaniNandrekar  
PowerPointppt VOSpecBeijingMay2007.ppt r1 manage 1229.0 K 2007-05-17 - 01:59 MarkAllen VOSpec presentations
PDFpdf VOT4Appli.pdf r1 manage 382.2 K 2007-05-15 - 14:36 FrancoisOchsenbein VOTable changes
PDFpdf VisIVOPechino2007.pdf r1 manage 1269.9 K 2007-05-17 - 02:03 MarkAllen <nop>VisIVO presentation
PDFpdf apps-voexplorer-beijing-2007.pdf r1 manage 567.4 K 2007-05-16 - 13:37 NoelWinstanley  
PDFpdf foot_markus.pdf r1 manage 2637.0 K 2007-05-17 - 02:34 MarkusDolensky Footprint Overlays for Archive Browsing
PDFpdf msgApi.pdf r1 manage 64.5 K 2007-05-18 - 01:47 MarkTaylor Synchronous/Asynchronous hub/app messaging API
PDFpdf scalability.pdf r1 manage 68.0 K 2007-05-15 - 07:46 MarkTaylor STIL scalable access to large tables talk
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Topic revision: r31 - 2007-07-04 - DeoyaniNandrekar
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