Applications Session at the May 2007 Interop Meeting


The Applications Working Group has five sessions at the Beijing Interoperability meeting. Apps 1, 2 and 3 comprises presentations and demos of new and updated applications. Sessions Apps 4 and 5 are dedicated to the Applications Messaging Standard discussion.

New and Updated VO Applications Sessions


Speaker Title File Time
  Applications 1. Tue 15, 8:30-10:00 (parallel VOTable, Theory1)    
  Welcome   8:30-8:40
ChenzhouCui Updated SkyMouse and lessons learned from its development .ppt 8:40-9:00 (20)
Bruce BERRIMAN Montage   9:00-9:20 (20)
Noel WINSTANLEY Resource-centric access to VO .pdf 9:20-9:40 (20)
Deoyani NANDREKAR VOPlot family, VOCat and VOStat .ppt 9:40-10:00 (20)
  Applications 2. Tue 15, 14:00-15:30 (parallel GWS2, Theory2)    
Isa BARBARISI New Functionalities with VOSpec and Interoperability .ppt 14:00-14:20 (20)
Pierre FERNIQUE Aladin 4 in the VO .ppt 14:20-14:35 (15)
Christopher MILLER The NOAO NVO Portal .mov 14:35-14:55 (20)
Igor CHILINGARIAN PLASTIC communication btwn data archive and client software: application to IFU spectra   14:55-15:15 (20)
Regis HAIGRON Tools for implementing S.I.A and S.S.A .pdf 15:15-15:30 (15)
  Applications 3. Tue 15, 16:00-17:30 (parallel VOQL1)    
Roy WILLIAMS Asynchronous services from NVO .ppt 16:00-16:20 (20)
Phillip WARNER NOAO VOEvent Services and Clients .ppt 16:20-16:35 (15)
Mark TAYLOR Scalability experiments using STIL .pdf 16:35-16:50 (15)
Thomas BOCH
Footprint Description .pdf
16:50-17:05 (15)
Wen LI FitHAS, an easy of use assistant tool for FITS data archiving .ppt 17:05-17:20 (15)
Laurent MICHEL SAADA   17:20-17:35 (15)

Applications Messaging Standard Sessions

Topic TimeSorted descending
Applications 4. Wed 16, 8:30-10:00 (parallel VOQL2)  
Applications 5. Thurs 17, 16:00-17:30 (parallel DAL5)  
Discussion points for SAMP - JT & MF, moderated by MA & MT (flash, pdf) 9:10-10:20
State of play and plan for discussion - John TAYLOR & Mike FITZPATRICK 8:40-9:10
Introduction - Mark ALLEN (pdf) 8:30-8:40
Plan for documents and implementations 17:00-17:30
SAMP discussions continued (JT & MF) 16:15-17:00
Synchronous/Asynchronous hub/application API (MT) (.pdf) 16:00-16:15
Plan for Apps 5 session 10:20-10:30

See InterOpMay2007AppsMessagingMinutes

Applications Focus Sessions - To be decided

Topic Date & Time
Implementation issues for STC in Applications ?
Apps report on 'VO interoperability with astronomy software packages and environments' ?

links: Applications Working Group: Applications Messaging Discussion Pages : PLASTIC changes table

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PowerPointppt AladinV4.ppt r1 manage 6324.0 K 2007-05-16 - 05:34 PierreFernique Aladin V4 in the VO
PowerPointppt Apps1.ppt r1 manage 57.5 K 2007-05-16 - 00:42 MikeFitzpatrick <nop>AppMsg Issues
PDFpdf Apps4Intro.pdf r1 manage 214.6 K 2007-05-17 - 01:57 MarkAllen Introduction to Apps 4 session
PDFpdf ESOCDSfootprint.pdf r1 manage 399.8 K 2007-05-17 - 04:16 ThomasBoch ESO/CDS instrument footprint facility
PowerPointppt FitHAS_ivoa_presentation.ppt r1 manage 486.5 K 2007-05-15 - 06:06 ChenzhouCui  
PDFpdf IVOA2007-APPLICATIONS-SIA-TOOLS.pdf r1 manage 1737.6 K 2007-05-17 - 02:08 MarkAllen Tools for implementing SIA and SIA
PowerPointppt NOAO-VOEvent-2007-05-15.ppt r1 manage 390.5 K 2007-05-17 - 02:05 MarkAllen NOAO VOEvent
PowerPointppt Nesssi-beijing.ppt r1 manage 1887.0 K 2007-05-17 - 02:01 MarkAllen Asynchronous services from NVO
PDFpdf SAMP1.0Proposals.pdf r1 manage 5883.9 K 2007-05-21 - 16:10 JohnTaylor  
SWF (Shockwave Flash)swf SAMP1.0Proposals.swf r1 manage 4844.2 K 2007-05-21 - 15:11 JohnTaylor Propsed changes PLASTIC->"SAMP"
PowerPointppt SkyMouse_IVOA.ppt r1 manage 2729.5 K 2007-05-15 - 06:05 ChenzhouCui  
PowerPointppt VOCat.ppt r1 manage 6989.0 K 2007-07-04 - 04:34 DeoyaniNandrekar  
PowerPointppt VOSpecBeijingMay2007.ppt r1 manage 1229.0 K 2007-05-17 - 01:59 MarkAllen VOSpec presentations
PDFpdf VOT4Appli.pdf r1 manage 382.2 K 2007-05-15 - 14:36 FrancoisOchsenbein VOTable changes
PDFpdf VisIVOPechino2007.pdf r1 manage 1269.9 K 2007-05-17 - 02:03 MarkAllen <nop>VisIVO presentation
PDFpdf apps-voexplorer-beijing-2007.pdf r1 manage 567.4 K 2007-05-16 - 13:37 NoelWinstanley  
PDFpdf foot_markus.pdf r1 manage 2637.0 K 2007-05-17 - 02:34 MarkusDolensky Footprint Overlays for Archive Browsing
PDFpdf msgApi.pdf r1 manage 64.5 K 2007-05-18 - 01:47 MarkTaylor Synchronous/Asynchronous hub/app messaging API
PDFpdf scalability.pdf r1 manage 68.0 K 2007-05-15 - 07:46 MarkTaylor STIL scalable access to large tables talk
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Topic revision: r31 - 2007-07-04 - DeoyaniNandrekar
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