Notes from VOSpace GWS Session

VOSpace 1.1 Matthew Graham

GR - .auto - is it neccessary when dropping into a container?DM - yes o give a different name.

VOSpace 1.1 S4 Tamás Budavári

Rick Wagner - what is he performance penalty for storing blobs in SQL server? TB - there is no penalty (or only a very small one).

MG - there is no conflict with having the S3 interface in conjunction with VOSpace - this is the

Pat Dowler How does the user know that putting a file into the VOSpace will allow it to be found on the SSAP service? MG Just because the service definition has a separate SSAP capability.

VOPipe - Bernhard Bauer

DM - are there any plans to have a processing stage in the pipe? BB - yes that is exactly the use case.

Get around the 5000 line limit.

PHPEndpoint - Rick Wagner.

Where is the code

André Schaaff

Bob Hanish - how do you handle authentication for VOSpace from Aladin? AS - At the moment there is only an internal to CDS accessible VOSpace, so the A&A issues have not been dealt with yet.

Andy Lawrence - could all of the various client tools look into all the different VOSpaces? Yes! the vospaces all have the same interfaces.

Mark Taylor - does the PLASTIC implmentation allow the user to choose which plastic message to

Discussion Points from the


  • resolve that the capabilities can be on all nodes

Inheritable properties

DM is there a strong use case for inheritable problems? Only to set a property on a tree of nodes - Resolution - set property operation has a cascade (-R) switch

Container Views

* resolve that archive container nodes have the structure of the archive * resolve that the

Web service operations

  • getCapabilities - resolve that not needed as separate call - can be done via a getNode that includes the capabilities object
  • createNode exceptions - discuss on list
  • find functionality - wild cards in the property uris - regular expressions for property keys and values. - only for values - discuss on list.

Security Session

MG - OpenID and OpenAuth

GR -

Proxy delegation

PH - what about limiting further delegation GR - can be clarified

PH - do we really want to put all of the MyProxy interface here


Topic revision: r2 - 2012-06-26 - root
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