Applications Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting

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Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

SpeakerSorted descending Title Materials Time Location
Yulie Zografou A Client TAP API   10  
Wednesday May 18 Applications 3: General Demos 11.30-13.00 Room A
Wednesday May 18 DAL/Applications: TAP Implementation 14.30-16.00 Room A
Tuesday May 17 Applications 2: General Demos 09.30-11.00 Room A
Thomas Boch, F-X Pineau CDS xmatch service updates PDF 15  
Séverin Gaudet, Dustin Jenkins, Adrian Damian, Patrick Dowler CADC VOSpace and Group Management user interfaces PDF 15  
Sharmad Navelkar VOplot1.6   15  
Raul Gutierrez-Sanchez, Enrique Solano VOSED: a VO tool to build and analyse SEDs PDF 15  
Pierre Fernique, Thomas Boch Multi-level HEALPix footprints PDF 15  
Monday May 16 Applications 1: Standards and Discussion 14.30-16.00 Room A
Massimo Sponza Portal to the gLite grid   15  
Markus Demleitner Remote Servers on the Command Line with Tapsh Notes (PDF) 10  
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile PDF 25+discuss  
Mark Taylor TAP in TOPCAT PDF 10  
Marco Molinaro, Omar Laurino, Riccardo Smareglia, Cristina Knapic VO-Dance: a simple service publisher PDF 15  
Luigi Paioro Towards an Astro Apps Store PDF 15+discuss  
Laurent Michel A new web interface for SAADA PDF 15  
Ivan Zolotukhin Barriers to VO Uptake PDF 15+discuss  
Grégory Mantelet TAP in SIMBAD PDF 10  
C.Rodrigo, A. Bayo, E. Solano, D. Barrado y Navascués VOSA (VO Sed Analyzer) new developments PDF 15  
Abhishek Rawat VOIndia Portal and Pymorph: A Web based Automated Galaxy Morphological Parameter Estimation tool ppt 15  

  • SaadaWEB.pdf: New SAADA Web Interface based on AJAX/SAMP/TAP

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 2011-05IVOA.pdf r1 manage 4452.7 K 2011-05-17 - 08:15 SeverinGaudet CADC VOSpace and Group Management user interfaces
PDFpdf BarriersToVoUptake_IvanZolotukhin.pdf r1 manage 103.1 K 2011-05-16 - 15:12 IvanZolotukhin  
PDFpdf IVOA-Naples-Healpix-footprint-Fernique.pdf r1 manage 1500.6 K 2011-05-17 - 06:53 PierreFernique  
PDFpdf Paioro-TowardsAnAstroAppsStore.pdf r1 manage 286.2 K 2011-05-16 - 13:16 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf SaadaWEB.pdf r1 manage 2962.4 K 2011-05-18 - 08:03 LaurentMichel New SAADA Web Interface based on AJAX/SAMP/TAP
Unknown file formatdocx TAPJHU.docx r1 manage 25.2 K 2011-05-17 - 16:02 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf VAOSoft.pdf r1 manage 315.1 K 2011-05-16 - 12:31 RayPlante about VAO effort toward software distribution
PDFpdf VO-Dance.pdf r2 r1 manage 537.0 K 2011-05-17 - 08:41 MarcoMolinaro VO-Dance: a simple service publisher
PDFpdf cdsxmatch-TBoch_FXP.pdf r2 r1 manage 2472.7 K 2011-05-16 - 22:28 ThomasBoch CDS xmatch service updates
PowerPointppt rawat_naples_interop_presentation.ppt r1 manage 12661.5 K 2011-05-19 - 09:00 AbhishekRawat VOIndia Portal and Pymorph
PDFpdf tapcat.pdf r1 manage 143.8 K 2011-05-17 - 22:28 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf vosa-napoles11.pdf r1 manage 5916.0 K 2011-05-18 - 10:40 CarlosRodrigoBlanco VOSA
PDFpdf vosed.pdf r1 manage 1303.6 K 2011-05-19 - 12:38 CarlosRodrigoBlanco VOSED, Raul Gutierrez
PDFpdf websamp.pdf r1 manage 110.6 K 2011-05-16 - 11:41 MarkTaylor SAMP Web Profile
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Topic revision: r48 - 2011-05-19 - CarlosRodrigoBlanco
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