DM session May 2014 Interop Meeting

DM Session 1 - Ongoing DMs + start of VO-DML discussion:
D001 - Thursday 10:00-11:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
On Going DMs
Claudia Lavalley Provenance Requirements from CTA 15' pdf
Florian Rothmaier, Kristin Riebe Provenance DM 15' pdf
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar SpectralDM RFC 15' pdf
Francois Bonnarel Char2 DM 10' pdf
VO-DML start
Francois Bonnarel Mapping of ImageDM in SIAV2 metadata resource response:
the case of WCS information/issues and discussion
15' pdf

DM Session 2 - VO-DML:
D001 - Thursday 15:00-16:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Arnold Rots Designing STC2.0 in VO-DML 15' pdf
Paul Harrison A proposal for a DSL for VODML 15' pdf
Gerard Lemson VO-DML specification and Mapping of Complex Data Models 25' pptx
Omar Laurino Open discussion    

Topic attachments
I Attachment HistorySorted descending Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf Char2_2014_05.pdf r1 manage 348.7 K 2014-06-03 - 11:17 FrancoisBonnarel Characterisation2 datamodel status
PDFpdf Mapping_ImageDM_SIAV2.pdf r1 manage 1132.2 K 2014-06-03 - 11:13 FrancoisBonnarel Mapping Image DataModel into SIAV2 query response (Models, VO-DML and utypes)
PDFpdf Provenance.pdf r1 manage 1393.3 K 2014-05-22 - 09:18 KristinRiebe  
PDFpdf ProvenanceForCTA_22052014.pdf r1 manage 1894.5 K 2014-05-22 - 15:42 MireilleLouys Claudia Lavalley's talk CTA provenance
PDFpdf STC2.pdf r1 manage 695.0 K 2014-05-22 - 13:56 ArnoldRots Status of STC2 in VO-DML
PDFpdf SpectralDM_status.pdf r1 manage 185.5 K 2014-05-22 - 07:55 MarkCresitelloDittmar Spectral 2.0 status
Unknown file formatpptx VO-DML_mapping.pptx r1 manage 970.1 K 2018-02-17 - 17:14 GerardLemson  
PDFpdf VODSL.pdf r1 manage 2026.0 K 2014-05-22 - 19:57 PaulHarrison VODSL
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Topic revision: r13 - 2018-02-17 - GerardLemson
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