GWS Sessions

GWS 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room D - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff, François-Xavier Pineau Updates to Spark and X-Match at CDS

Docker at CDS
15' + 5' pdf
Petr Skoda VO-CLOUD upgrade - integration of Spark, Jupyter and HDFS in a UWS-driven cloud service 15' + 5' pdf,odp
Giuliano Taffoni Unified A&A with Openstack VMs, domains and LDAP 15' + 5' pdf
All Open Discussion - SSL transitioning 30' pdf

GWS 2 - Thursday May 17 - Room D - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Sara Nieto ESAC VOSpace Updates and Future Plans 12' + 3' pdf
André Schaaff, Madjid Bouchair Implementing VOSpace in Python 12' + 3' pdf
Sara Bertocco Authentication, data access and computing interoperability of IVOA based cloud services 12' + 3' pdf
Brian Major Group Membership Service Specification and Considerations 15' + 15' pdf
All Open Discussion - GWS general items, Federated Authentication 15' pdf
Topic attachments
ISorted ascending Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Quicktime moviemp4 IVOAComputationInteropDemo_slow.mp4 r1 manage 87860.4 K 2017-05-18 - 01:52 GiulianoTaffoni Computation Interoperability Demo
Quicktime moviemp4 IVOADataInteropDemo.mp4 r1 manage 51244.6 K 2017-05-18 - 01:47 GiulianoTaffoni Data Interoperability Demo INAF
Unknown file formatodp skoda-koza-vocloud.odp r1 manage 2191.6 K 2017-05-16 - 03:59 PetrSkoda  
PDFpdf ESA-VOSpace_Interop_2017.pdf r1 manage 2396.0 K 2017-05-18 - 02:06 BrianMajor  
PDFpdf GMS-Specification.pdf r1 manage 2709.2 K 2017-05-18 - 06:21 BrianMajor  
PDFpdf GWSII-Intro.pdf r1 manage 83.6 K 2017-05-18 - 06:21 BrianMajor  
PDFpdf IVOA-Shanghai-GWS-CDS1.pdf r1 manage 5303.5 K 2017-05-16 - 04:12 AndreSchaaff  
PDFpdf IVOA-Shanghai-GWS-CDS2.pdf r1 manage 8727.5 K 2017-05-18 - 03:37 AndreSchaaff  
PDFpdf Interop2017.pdf r1 manage 766.0 K 2017-05-16 - 02:12 GiulianoTaffoni TaffoniPresentationGWS
PDFpdf SSL-Discussion.pdf r1 manage 1105.0 K 2017-05-16 - 01:27 BrianMajor  
PDFpdf sara_bertocco_IVOAInterop_Shanghai2017.pdf r1 manage 955.9 K 2017-05-18 - 01:42 GiulianoTaffoni  
PDFpdf skoda-koza-vocloud.pdf r1 manage 1566.1 K 2017-05-16 - 03:56 PetrSkoda  
Unknown file formatpptx GWSII-Intro.pptx r1 manage 134.8 K 2017-05-18 - 06:20 BrianMajor  
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Topic revision: r22 - 2017-05-18 - BrianMajor
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