DAL Working Group Sessions: May 2018, Victoria

DAL 1 (Tuesday 11:00-12:30, Spirit AB): New protocols and new protocol versions / TAP implementations

Speaker Title Time Material
Markus Demleitner ADQL 2.1 implementation and critique 0:15 pdf
Nicolas Moreau SLAP 2.0 0:15 pdf
François Bonnarel ProvTAP (and PROVDAL) status 0:15 pdf
Jesus Salgado, Aitor Ibarra Visibility Service and Observation Locator: Planning future observations 0:15 pdf - pptx
Olga Pevunova Update on NED VO activities: New NED TAP service 0:15 pdf
Marco Molinaro TASMAN (TApSchemaMANager) 0:15 pdf

DAL 2 (Thursday 09:00-10:30, Spirit CD): DAL feedback and other DAL services implementations

Speaker Title Time MaterialSorted ascending
Alberto Micol POLYGON (ObsCore.s_region) with different orientations issue 0:05 pdf
Pat Dowler DALI-next 0:15 pdf
François Bonnarel DataLink, SIAv2, SODA feedback 0:13 pdf
Mark Taylor DataLink Implementation Feedback 0:12 pdf
Carlos Rodrigo DataLink feedback 0:15 pdf
Mathieu Servillat Data Access in the context of the CTA Observatory 0:15 pdf

DAL splinter (Thursday 17:30-19:00, ): any topic

Speaker Title Time Material
all participants overall DAL discussion 1:30  
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 2018-05-31_servillat_CTA-VO-Data-Access.pdf r2 r1 manage 4184.0 K 2018-05-31 - 18:21 MathieuServillat  
PDFpdf 20180531-ADQL-changes.pdf r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 155.9 K 2018-06-01 - 01:50 DaveMorris ADQL discussion
PDFpdf DAL-Feedback.pdf r2 r1 manage 5502.9 K 2018-05-31 - 21:42 FrancoisBonnarel DataLINK SIAV2 and SODA feedback
PDFpdf HiPS-Provenance-IVOA.pdf r1 manage 5225.7 K 2018-05-31 - 14:00 PierreFernique  
PDFpdf MMolinaro_TASMAN_DAL_Victoria.pdf r1 manage 912.0 K 2018-05-28 - 19:00 MarcoMolinaro  
PDFpdf NED-TAP-IVOA-MayJune.pdf r1 manage 563.9 K 2018-05-28 - 19:00 MarcoMolinaro  
PDFpdf PROVTAPMay2018.pdf r1 manage 3841.1 K 2018-05-29 - 18:41 FrancoisBonnarel ProvTAP and Prov DAL status
PDFpdf VisibilityObsLoc-IVOA-Victoria.pdf r2 r1 manage 8729.1 K 2018-05-29 - 16:24 JesusSalgado  
Unknown file formatpptx VisibilityObsLoc-IVOA-Victoria.pptx r2 r1 manage 9302.2 K 2018-05-29 - 16:25 JesusSalgado  
PDFpdf adql21-issues.pdf r1 manage 192.3 K 2018-05-29 - 19:34 MarkusDemleitner  
PDFpdf dali-next.pdf r2 r1 manage 250.2 K 2018-05-31 - 17:16 PatrickDowler  
PDFpdf dlfeedback.pdf r2 r1 manage 415.3 K 2018-05-31 - 17:21 MarkTaylor  
PDFpdf dlink-victoria.pdf r2 r1 manage 8004.7 K 2018-05-31 - 16:12 CarlosRodrigo  
PDFpdf ivoa_201805_micol_polygons.pdf r1 manage 6890.3 K 2018-05-31 - 15:44 AlbertoMicol Interoperable polygons and STC errata
PDFpdf slap_update.pdf r1 manage 121.1 K 2018-05-29 - 16:33 MarcoMolinaro  
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Topic revision: r33 - 2018-06-01 - DaveMorris
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