GWS session - IVOA November 2018 College Park Interoperability Meeting

GWS 1 (Friday Nov. 09, 9:00-10:30, Salon 1&2)

SpeakerSorted ascending Title Time Material
Andreas Wicenec, Dave Pallot VOSpace 2.1 for MWA Archive: archicture and lessons learned 15' pdf
Brian Major Group Membership Service Working Draft 15' pdf
Christian Mesh, Tom Donaldson OAuth on Top of Shibboleth 15' pdf
Discussion 15'
Patrick Dowler Using VOSI-capabilities to manage evolution with incompatible web service changes 15'  
Sara Nieto Large Euclid data set analysis with Apache Spark 15'  

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf GMS.pdf r2 r1 manage 424.0 K 2018-11-09 - 13:44 BrianMajor  
PDFpdf MAST-OAuth.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 5155.6 K 2018-11-09 - 13:30 TomDonaldson  
PDFpdf pyvospace.pdf r1 manage 417.3 K 2018-11-09 - 02:55 BrianMajor  
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Topic revision: r7 - 2018-11-09 - BrianMajor
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