Applications Sessions Schedule - IVOA November 2021 Interoperability Meeting

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Schedule Summary

Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00Sorted ascending UTC-04:00 UTC+01:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Applications 3 Thu Nov 04 15:00 Thu Nov 04 08:00 Thu Nov 04 11:00 Thu Nov 04 16:00 Thu Nov 04 23:00 Fri Nov 05 02:00
Applications 1 Tue Nov 02 22:00 Tue Nov 02 15: 00 Tue Nov 02 18: 00 Tue Nov 02 23: 00 Wed Nov 03 06: 00 Wed Nov 03 09: 00
Applications 3 Thu Nov 04 15:00 Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg Perth/Beijing Canberra
Applications 2 Thu 04 06:30 Wed Nov 03 23:30 Thu Nov 04 02:30 Thu Nov 04 07:30 Thu Nov 04 14:30 Thu Nov 04 17:30

Applications 1

Time: Tuesday Nov 02 22:00 UTC

Speaker(s) Title and Abstract Time Material
Adrian Damian

PyVO Status Update

Update on current PyVO work and issues, including the status of TapPlus integration.

15' PDF
Trey Roby

IPAC's work with the VO Spectral Data Model

This presentation will give implementation feedback and include a brief demo about how Firefly is extracting spectrum from cubes and creating VO tables using the data model. We are also experimenting with trying to recognize older spectrum data from TAP/Obscore searches and giving the user the option save it out in the Spectral data model.

15' Demo only - see notes and recording
Peter Williams

Recent developments in AAS WorldWide Telescope

Improvements include support for HiPS imagery and catalogs and WebGL-accelerated tiled FITS rendering.

15' Demo only - see notes and recording

Moderator: Adrian, Notetaker: Tom, Session Notes (copied from the expiring Etherpad link)

Audio-only recording (m4a ~58MB)

Full video recording (mp4 ~646MB)

Applications 2

Time: Thursday Nov 04 06:30 UTC

Speaker(s) Title and Abstract Time Material
Brent Miszalski

Modernising Target List Visualisation and Classification

We have developed a web application that allows users to visualise and classify targets in a large list. Large surveys often need to check targets for problems or to assign an observing priority. Users can navigate their targets after uploading a csv. Each target is shown in a small panel, allowing the classification to be made via radio buttons or keyboard shortcuts. Either a static image or Aladin Lite can be used to display target images. The latter allows catalogues to be loaded and displayed. The design builds on Data Central's Data Aggregation Service, enabling fast simultaneous retrieval of catalogue data via asynchronous Python and websocket messaging.

15' Miszalski_IVOA_Nov.pdf
Cyril Obrecht L. Michel

Advanced TAP Client

We will present an advanced Web TAP client able to easily select and browse joined data such as CAOM-based resources, Simbad or the relational registry.

15' pdf
Jean-Michel Glorian

CASSIS Aladin plugin

This presentation/demo will show work between the CASSIS Team and the Aladin Team to use Aladin and CASSIS to visualize and extract spectra from hyperspectral data cube, and interact between the 2 tools.

15' slides(pdf) demo(mp4)
Adrian Garcia Riber

Astronomical Data Sonification

Towards the development of a proposal for an Auditory Virtual Observatory based on Deep Learning, work includes prototypes based on autoencoders and Lomb-scargle periodogram analysis for the automatic exploration of lightcurves, and stellar spectra that make use of Kepler Objects of Interest lightcuves and Miles and Stelib stellar libraries.

15' pdf incl. demo links

Moderator: Tom, Notetaker: Adrian, Session Notes (copied from the expiring Etherpad link)

Audio-only recording (m4a ~65MB)

Full video recording (mp4 ~326MB)

Applications 3

Time: Thursday Nov 04 15:00 UTC

Speaker(s) Title and Abstract Time Material
Pierre Fernique

MocServer v2

What, where and when in milliseconds. Benefits for VO tools. Demonstration with Aladin Desktop.

15' pdf
Markus Demleitner

Blind discovery and semantics for resource discovery with WIRR

Show and tell on the Web Interface to the Relational Registry (WIRR).

15' notes
Nuria Álvarez Crespo

What's new on ESASky 4.0?

ESASky offers astronomers an easy and interactive way to access high-quality scientific data from gamma rays to radio wavelengths. It is continuously evolving with the addition of new features and the ingestion of new data. In collaboration with the ESA/Hubble team, it is now possible to see the stunning images on the ESA/Hubble website with ESASky, allowing users to overload over two hundred outreach images released by the ESA/Hubble team on top of the ESASky public astronomical data. Moreover, as a first step to turn ESASky into a multi-messenger portal, it is now possible to search for public multi-messenger events from gravitational waves, display their footprints in the sky and download data. Additionally, now the lightcurves from the ESA's Characterising ExOPlanet Satellite (CHEOPS) are available on ESASky too.

15' pdf

Moderator: Adrian, Notetaker: Tom, Session Notes (copied from the expiring Etherpad link)

Audio-only recording (m4a ~MB)

Full video recording (mp4 ~MB)

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 2021-DMTapComplex-LockTown4.pdf r1 manage 1303.9 K 2021-11-03 - 17:10 LaurentMichel TAP complex data browser
Quicktime moviemp4 2021-IVOA-Northern-Fall-interop-CASSIS-Aladin-Plugin-final.mp4 r1 manage 13501.8 K 2021-11-03 - 22:22 TomDonaldson  
PDFpdf 2021-IVOA-Northern-Fall-interop-CASSIS-Aladin-Plugin-final.pdf r1 manage 194.3 K 2021-11-03 - 22:21 TomDonaldson  
PDFpdf IVOA_Nov2021-Sonification.pdf r1 manage 3207.9 K 2021-11-04 - 21:11 TomDonaldson  
PDFpdf IVOA_Nov21_Apps1.pdf r1 manage 43.5 K 2021-11-04 - 21:47 TomDonaldson Session notes
PDFpdf IVOA_Nov21_Apps2.pdf r1 manage 39.7 K 2021-11-04 - 21:47 TomDonaldson Session notes
PDFpdf IVOA_Nov21_Apps3.pdf r1 manage 43.4 K 2021-11-04 - 21:47 TomDonaldson Session notes
PDFpdf Miszalski_IVOA_Nov.pdf r1 manage 9470.3 K 2021-11-04 - 20:34 BrentMiszalski  
PDFpdf Mocserver2.pdf r1 manage 2141.1 K 2021-11-04 - 13:31 PierreFernique  
PDFpdf PyVO_Status_Update.pdf r1 manage 462.0 K 2021-11-02 - 19:51 AdrianDamian PyVO Status Update
PDFpdf esasky_IVOA.pdf r1 manage 11936.2 K 2021-11-05 - 13:22 TomDonaldson  
PDFpdf wirr.pdf r1 manage 1326.6 K 2021-11-04 - 21:54 MarkusDemleitner  
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Topic revision: r17 - 2021-11-05 - TomDonaldson
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