IVOA Interoperability Meeting

6-7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain

Applications IG Session

Thursday October 6, 14:30-16:15


Speaker Title File TimeSorted ascending
Isa Barbarisi New functionalities in VOSpec : Spectral Line Access & Theoretical Models   .ppt 14:35-14:45
Raúl Gutiérrez VOSed: a tool for building spectral energy distributions.
Comparison with theoretical models
.ppt, .pdf 14:45-14:55
Claudio Gheller VisIVO interoperability with VO enabled tools .ppt 14:55-15:05
Pierre Fernique Experience gained by enabling Interoperability in Aladin .ppt 15:05-15:15
Francesco Pierfederici   Python Tools for the VO Generation .pdf 15:15-15:25
Noel Winstanley ACR - a VO Client Implementation .pdf, .sxi 15:25-15:35
John Taylor VO-enabled xmdv-lite and Plastic .sxi .ppt .pdf 15:35-15:45
  Discussion 15:45-16:15

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Topic revision: r16 - 2005-10-13 - MarkAllen
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