

Session 1 (Oct 10, 9:30-11:00)

  1. Road Map: (Yuji & Maria: 10')
    • Where are we?
    • Meeting goals
  2. Review ADQL and SkyNode specifications WD: (All: 60')
    • ADQL v1.0
      • SQL 92
        • The SELECT statement
        • BNF independent from language (Post C# as an external reference)
      • XMATCH function(s) syntax
      • Single & Multi node queries
    • SkyNode v1.0
      • XMATCH function(s) algorithms
      • Architecture Decoupling (Cascade and Parallel)
      • Add a mechanism to transmit "messages" in addition to data
      • Content standardization in returned VOTable
  3. Metadata. How enforce quality? (Maria: 10')
  4. Discuss schedule to upgrade skynodes from 0.7 to 1.0 (All: 10')
- break -

Session 2 (Oct 10, 11:30-13:00)

  1. Short presentations (No more than 40 - 45'; 10' to 15' each depending on quantity )
    • Brian Thomas - A VO Catalog model proposal (10')
    • André Schaaff - VizieR in the context of ADQL-SkyNode (10')
  2. Future - Brief discussion (As time permits)
    • The '!' operator problem. Need for proper footprints. (Maria: 10')
    • VOQL needs diversity: equivalent implementations of Open SkyQuery portals accepting distributed queries
    • XMATCH function(s) algorithms (How do we include errors?)
    • How do we deal with big query results? The path to VOStore
    • Xmatch works only between primary table from SkyNode (What needs to be done to allow xmatch with others?)
    • Table data model (standard column names) Where does Catalog Data Model WG stand?
    • Query by ucd and utype
  3. Update Road Map

Documents & schema

title version doc
ADQL WD V1.02 ADQL-20050924.pdf: ADQL WD
SkyNode WD V1.02 SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf: SkyNode Interface
ADQL schema    
SkyNode WSDL    


Presenter Subject Slide
Maria or Yuji Road Map  
Maria or Yuji Review ADQL specifications WD:  
Maria or Yuji Review SkyNode specifications WD:  
Maria Metadata  
Brian Thomas A VO Catalog model proposal  
André Schaaff VizieR in the context of ADQL-SkyNode  

Tools for SkyNode

Title Who Description Link


Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted ascending Comment
PDFpdf ADQL-20050924.pdf r1 manage 425.6 K 2005-09-30 - 01:48 MariaNieto ADQL WD
PDFpdf SkyNodeInterface-20050929.pdf r1 manage 392.9 K 2005-09-30 - 01:50 MariaNieto SkyNode Interface
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Topic revision: r5 - 2005-10-07 - MariaNieto
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