TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaEvents>InterOpOct2008>InterOpOct2008DAL (revision 17) (raw view)EditAttach
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PDFpdf CDS-footprint-editor.pdf r1 manage 1868.1 K 2008-10-28 - 15:42 ThomasBoch CDS footprint editor (pdf)
PDFpdf CVO-TAP-QL-proto.pdf r1 manage 26.3 K 2008-10-28 - 19:43 PatrickDowler CVO TAP proto
PDFpdf RWagner_SimDAP_20081028.pdf r1 manage 84.5 K 2008-10-28 - 15:27 RickWagner  
PDFpdf TAP-prelimQL-10-2008.pdf r1 manage 31.1 K 2008-10-28 - 19:43 PatrickDowler TAP Spec discussion
PDFpdf TAP-v0_3.pdf r1 manage 291.0 K 2008-10-27 - 03:27 JesusSalgado TAP v 0.3 document
PowerPointppt footprintSpecIVOA_Balt2008.ppt r1 manage 235.0 K 2008-10-28 - 15:10 GretchenGreene Footprint Service Spec Status
PDFpdf siav2-oct08.pdf r2 r1 manage 90.7 K 2008-10-28 - 20:20 DougTody SIAV2 presentation
PDFpdf tap-oct08.pdf r1 manage 93.5 K 2008-10-28 - 20:21 DougTody TAP interface and NVO prototypes
PDFpdf voparis-tap-ivoa2008v2.pdf r1 manage 348.2 K 2008-10-28 - 20:19 JesusSalgado vo paris tap
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Topic revision: r17 - 2008-10-29 - TamasBudavari
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