Show and Tell Sessions

Speaker Title Materials
Applications 1: Fri Oct 10 - 11:00 - 12:30 (Summit)
Mark Taylor Upload crossmatching from TOPCAT pdf
Omar Laurino A Python implementation of VODML  
Chenzhou Cui AstroCloud, a Whole Lifecycle Management Platform for Astronomical Data Based on Virtual Observatory and Cloud Computing pdf
Matthieu Servillat VO diffusion for CTA  
Gilles Landais Indexing VizieR associated data with ObsCore  
Applications 2: Sun Oct 12 - 9:00 - 10:30 (Summit)
Tom Donaldson & Pierre Fernique VOTable issues & proposals => General Discussion  
  Link to proposals for VO-DML annotation syntax in VOTable here. Using sample mapping obtained using VO-DML Mapper.
Applications 3: Sun Oct 12 - 11:00 - 12:30 (Summit)
Laurent Michel Querying by region: from the drawing to the SQL query (15mn)  
André Schaaff CMOC, a C library to handle MOCs (10mn)  
François Bonnarel Aladin ObsTAP plugin (5mn)  
Régis Haigron SCubOX, a Spectral Cube Online eXplorer (15mn)
Thomas Boch Experimenting dynamic generation of HiPS density maps for large data exploration (15mn)  
Hugo Buddelmeijer Query-Driven Visualization over SAMP (15mn)  
Petr Skoda VO-Cloud for Machine Learning (15mn)  

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf AstroCloud4IVOA-20141005.pdf r1 manage 2247.2 K 2014-10-10 - 21:25 ChenzhouCui AstroCloud4IVOA
Quicktime moviemp4 IVOAInterOp-20141012-Buddelmeijer-QDVSAMP-v1.mp4 r1 manage 9679.3 K 2014-10-11 - 17:34 HugoBuddelmeijer IVOAInterOp Fall 2014 Demo HugoBuddelmeijer
Unknown file formatodp IVOAInterOp-20141012-Buddelmeijer-QDVSAMP-v1.odp r1 manage 1632.5 K 2014-10-11 - 17:33 HugoBuddelmeijer IVOAInterOp Fall 2014 Presentation HugoBuddelmeijer
PDFpdf IVOAInterOp-20141012-Buddelmeijer-QDVSAMP-v1.pdf r1 manage 638.4 K 2014-10-11 - 17:33 HugoBuddelmeijer IVOAInterOp Fall 2014 Presentation HugoBuddelmeijer
Unknown file formatvot ndimage_sample_trad.vot r1 manage 16.3 K 2014-10-11 - 19:25 MarkCresitelloDittmar Sample cube serialization using vo-dml and traditional utypes
Unknown file formatvot ndimage_sample_vodml.vot r1 manage 17.8 K 2014-10-11 - 19:25 MarkCresitelloDittmar Sample cube serialization using vo-dml and traditional utypes
PDFpdf upxmatch.pdf r1 manage 164.5 K 2014-10-10 - 17:32 MarkTaylor topcat upload x-match slides
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Topic revision: r11 - 2014-10-11 - GerardLemson
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